Upon the establishment of the Academy of Fine Arts of University of Sarajevo in 1972, its basic tasks were also defined. They primarily included practical and theoretical education of visual artists and educating future teachers of visual culture and education in elementary and secondary schools. Beginning of the work of the Library of Academy of Fine Arts in 1981 corresponds to the year when the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo moved to a new building, or more accurately to the dedicated adapted facility of Evangelical Church at Obala Maka Dizdara Street 3.
Over half a decade of activity of the Academy of Fine Arts Sarajevo, the library adjusted its needs and capacities to curricula of departments of the Academy – Department of Art Education, Painting, Sculpting, Printmaking, Graphic Design, Product Design, and the Interdisciplinary Studies of Conservation and Restoration. The library currently holds about 9,100 items (books and monographs by local and international authors, catalogues, proceedings, professional regional and international journals dealing with contemporary arts and design etc.). Besides the professional, art and theoretical literature, students have at their disposal various fiction titles. Library holdings also include the archives of defended master’s theses and two doctoral dissertations in the area of arts. It is connected to the national library information system COBISS. Besides the reading room, the library houses computers with Internet access, available to students for work and research.
Students can borrow and return materials every workday from 10.00 to 15.00.
The reading room is open every workday from 9.00 to 16.00.
Head of the Library: Memnuna Ništović
Phone: 033- 210-369
Email: biblioteka@alu.unsa.ba
The library is open for all students, teachers and employees of Academy.
Obala Maka Dizdara 3, 71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzogovina
Phone: +387 (0) 33 210 369