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  • Interdisciplinary studies: Conservation and Restoration

Interdisciplinary studies: Conservation and restoration

Interdisciplinary studies in Conservation and Restoration are conceived as a three-year undergraduate program and a two-year master’s and specialist program. Classes are delivered at the Academy of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Science of University of Sarajevo. The objective of the program is to provide general theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of conservation and restoration in the first three years of study, and then, in the following two years of study, to direct students to specialize in a given conservation-restoration field. Due to the nature of conservation and restoration work, which unites the artistic and the professional aspect of activity with scientific work, studies in conservation and restoration are conceived so as to develop or upgrade the necessary students’ manual skills and artistic sensibility. Through an interdisciplinary program, students acquire knowledge in various disciplines of art, theory and history of art, protection of cultural heritage and science, and develop skills for independent planning, coordination and leading conservation and restoration projects.

Trajanje programa: 6 semestara (tri godine)

Akademsko zvanje: Bakalaureat/Bachelor likovne umjetnosti

Diplomu izdaje: Univerzitet u Sarajevu

Struktura programa: Obim studijskog programa iznosi 60 (E)CTS studijskih bodova u jednoj studijskoj godini, odnosno 30 (E)CTS studijskih bodova u jednom semestru. Dodiplomski studij za sticanje diplome traje četiri godine, a vrednuje se sa 240 (E)CTS studijskih bodova.

I semestar
Naziv predmeta Broj časova ECTS
Crtanje I P2 + V1 + S2 5
Konzervacija I P1 + V0 2
Opšta hemija P3 + V2 6
Klimatologija P3 + V2 5
Odabrana poglavlja iz biologije P3 + V2 5
Osnovi konzervacije i restauracije kulturnog naslijeđa P2 + V1 + S1 4
Historija umjetnosti I P1 + V1 + S1 3
II semestar
Naziv predmeta Broj časova ECTS
Crtanje II P2 + V1 + S1 3
Konzervacija II P1 + V1 3
Bioindikatori degradacije P3 + V2 5
Anorganska hemija sa materijalima P3 + V2 6
Organska hemija sa materijalima P3 + V2 6
Historija konzervacije i restauracije kulturnog naslijeđa P2 + V1 + S1 4
Historija umjetnosti II P1 + V1 + S1 3
III semestar
Naziv predmeta Broj časova ECTS
Crtanje III P2 + V1 + S1 4
Konzervacija i restauracija P2 + V3 + S2 6
Kiparstvo P2 + V1 + S1 4
Osnovi fotografije I P1 + V1 3
Kulturno i historijsko nasljeđe kao dio okoliša P2 + V0 3
Degradacija materijala P2 + V0 3
Savremena teorija konzervacije i restauracije kulturnog naslijeđa P2 + V1 + S1 4
Historija umjetnosti III P1 + V1 + S1 3
IV semestar
Naziv predmeta Broj časova ECTS
Restauracija I P2 + V2 + S2 6
Grafika P2 + V1 + S1 4
Osnovi fotografije II P1 + V1 3
3D kompjuterska grafika P2 + V3 5
Dijagnostika anorganskih materijala P2 + V1 4
Osnove mineralogije sa petrografijom P3 + V2 5
Historija umjetnosti IV P1 + V1 + S1 3
V semestar
Naziv predmeta Broj časova ECTS
Restauracija II P2 + V1 + S2 5
Slikanje I P2 + V1 + S1 3
Fotografija – reprofotografija P1 + V1 2
Dijagnostika organskih materijala P2 + V1 4
Mikrobiološka destrukcija i metode zaštite P3 + V2 5
Historija B-H umjetnosti P1 + V1 + S1 3
Fizika u konzervaciji i restauraciji P3 + V1 5
Studenti su obavezni odabrati JEDAN izborni predmet iz ponuđene liste predmeta:
Visoki i duboki tisak P1 + V1 3
Kiparstvo II P1 + V1 3
Bosanskohercegovačka baština (recepcija i vrednovanje) P1 + V1 3
Ebru: tehnike I P1 + V1 3
Kaligrafija pisma I P1 + V1 3
VI semestar
Naziv predmeta Broj časova ECTS
Restauracija III P1 + V3 + S2 6
Slikanje II P2 + V1 + S1 4
Tehnologija – anatomija artefakta P1 + V1 3
Analitičke metode u konzervaciji i restauraciji P2 + V2 5
Historija zaštite bosanskohercegovačkog kulturnog naslijeđa P1 + V1 + S1 3
Historija umjetnosti XX P1 + V1 + S1 3
Studenti su obavezni odabrati DVA izborna predmeta iz ponuđene liste predmeta:
Osnovi kiparskih materijala i procesa P1 + V1 + S1 3
Osnovi slikarskih materijala i procesa P1 + V1 + S1 3
Kulturna dobra u opasnosti P1 + V1 + S1 3
Ebru: tehnike II P1 + V1 + S1 3
Kaligrafija pisma II P1 + V1 + S1 3

Trajanje programa: 4 semestara (dvije godine)

Akademsko zvanje: Magistar konzervacije i restauracije

Diplomu izdaje: Univerzitet u Sarajevu

Struktura programa: Obim studijskog programa iznosi 60 (E)CTS studijskih bodova u jednoj studijskoj godini, odnosno 30 (E)CTS studijskih bodova u jednom semestru. Dodiplomski studij za sticanje diplome traje dvije godine, a vrednuje se sa 120 (E)CTS studijskih bodova.

I semestar
Naziv predmeta Broj časova ECTS
Likovna estetika P1 + V1 + S1 3
Osnovi konzervacije i restauracije P2 + V0 3
Konzervacija i restauracija prenosive slike i polihromiranog drveta I P1 + V1 + S1 3
Konzervacija i restauracija zidne slike I P1 + V1 + S1 3
Konzervacija i restauracija skulpture I P1 + V1 + S1 3
Konzervacija i restauracija radova na papiru, pergamentu i svili I P1 + V1 + S1 3
Konzervacija arheološke i konzervacija i restauracija etnološke baštine P1 + V0 + S1 2
Analitičke metode istraživanja i dokumentiranja baštine P1 + V1 + S1 5
Mikroskopija – praktikum P1 + V1 + S1 5
II semestar
Naziv predmeta Broj časova ECTS
Teorija vizualnih umjetnosti i vizualne kulture P1 + V1 2
Konzervacija i restauracija prenosive slike i polihromiranog drveta II P3 + V2 + S4 10
Konzervacija i restauracija zidne slike II P3 + V2 + S4 10
Konzervacija i restauracija skulp-ture II P3 + V2 + S4 10
Konzervacija i restauracija radova na papiru, pergamentu i svili II P3 + V2 + S4 10
Laboratorij I u funkciji analize izabranog artefakta P3 + V2 + S3 9
Zaštita graditeljskog naslijeđa P2 + V2 5
Savremene tendencije u umjetnosti BiH i na regionalnoj sceni P1 + V1 2
Kopistika P1 + V1 2
Metodologija i fenomenologija aktivnog pristupa graditeljskom naslijeđu P2 + V0 2
III semestar
Naziv predmeta Broj časova ECTS
Metodologija naučno-istraživačkog rada P1 + V1 3
Konzervacija i restauracija prenosive slike i polihromiranog drveta – Izrada završnog rada P2 + V3 + S6 11
Konzervacija i restauracija zidne slike – Izrada završnog rada P2 + V3 + S6 11
Konzervacija i restauracija skulpture – Izrada završnog rada P2 + V3 + S6 11
Konzervacija i restauracija radova na papiru, pergamentu i svili – Izrada završnog rada P2 + V3 + S6 11
Laboratorij II u funkciji analize artefakta P2 + V3 + S6 11
Dijagnostika P1 + V1 + S3 5
IV semestar
Naziv predmeta Broj časova ECTS
ZAVRŠNI RAD P3 + V0 + S15 25
Digitalna dokumentaristika P1 + V1 + S1 5

Under construction.


Cazim Hadzimejlic

Prof. Dr. Ćazim Hadžimejlić is Full Professor at the Department of Conservation and Restoration of the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Sarajevo.

Prof. Ćazim Hadžimejlić was born in 1964 in Zenica, Bosna and Herzegovina. He finished his bachelor’s degree in 1991 at the Faculty of Applied Arts of the “Mimar Sinan” University in Istanbul, Turkey, and in 1994, his postgraduate studies at the Department of Calligraphy (Faculty of Fine Arts) of the Marmara University in Istanbul with a master’s thesis titled Calligrapher Jesiri-zade Mustafa Izzet-efendi, instigator of talik style, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Muhittin Serin. In 1997, he got his PhD degree on History of Art and Archeology at the Institute of Social Sciences of “Mimar Sinan” Fine Arts University, with a thesis titled “The importance of the precious books of the Gazi Hüsrev-beg library collection for Ottoman bookbinding and their preservation”, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Zeki Sönmez. At this university he specialized through two different postdoctoral works: in 1999, in the fields of Pathology, Conservation and Restauration of books under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sadet Gazi, and in 2001 in the fields of Bookbinding styles and Book Arts, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. İslam Seçen; while through other two postdoctoral works simultaneously at “Mimar Sinan” Fine Arts University and at IRCICA (Research Centre For Islamic History, Art and Culture) in 1999 he specialized in Talik and Rika’a Calligraphy styles under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Alija Alparslana, and in Sulus and Nesih Calligraphy styles under the supervision of master calligrapher Dr. h. c. Hasan Çelebi.

In the ten years that go from 1992 to 2002, Prof. Dr. Ćazim Hadžimejlić was lecturer at the Department of Book Arts, Conservation and Restauration, “Mimar Sinan” University. Since 2000 he has worked as Professor of a group of subjects on Conservation and Restauration, Book Art and Calligraphy at different departments of the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Sarajevo, and since 2004 he teaches theoretical subjects on History of Art at the Department of History of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Sarajevo, while since 2014 he also teaches and coordinates core subjects on Conservation of Artistic and Cultural Heritages at the graduate and undergraduate degree on Interdisciplinary Studies: Conservation and Restoration, in mutual collaboration with both the Academy of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Sarajevo. Since 2014. he is lecturer in Calligraphy at the Department of Arabic language and Literature of the University of Zenica.

To date, Prof. Dr. Ćazim Hadžimejlić has held 50 solo exhibitions, participated in 119 collective exhibitions worldwide, and gave talks in more than 80 international and national conferences, as well as organized many of them. As an acknowledgment for his contribution to science, art, and the conservation and protection of the cultural heritage, he received more than 83 public recognitions.

As part of his scientific and cultural work, he is also actively involved in collecting, compiling, translating and publishing valuable written material. Up to now, he has published 85 academic papers on calligraphy, conservation and restauration, cultural heritage and Islamic world, as well as translated the book Basri Baba Nefesleri – Hasan Basri Tapdik Baba (Yedi Iklim, Istanbul, 2001) from Ottoman Turkish into Bosnian, and published as author four encyclopedic books: Umjetnost islamske kaligrafije [The art of islamic calligraphy] (ITD „Sedam“, Sarajevo, 2009), Umjetnost islamskog knjigovestva [The art of Islamic bookbiniding] (ITD „Sedam“, Sarajevo, 2011) and Ebru – umjetnost slikanja na vodi [Ebru – the art of painting on water] (Connectum, Sarajevo, 2014), 40 Bosanskohercegovačkih Mushafa  [ 40 Bosnian and Herzegovian Mushafs] (Blicdruck, Sarajevo, 2022).

In 2003, Ćazim Hadžimejlić initiated the project of a periodic magazine on historical heritage, Tasawwuf and culture, named Kelamu’l Šifa’ [Healing words], of which he is the editor in chief and where he published many of his scientific works on the history and culture of Islam.

Ćazim Hadžimejlić is author of many decorative works on numerous sacral and civil places, as well as he has worked on a big number of projects regarding conservation and restoration in museums, libraries, institutes and private collections, both in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad. Resulting from this work, he opened in Živčići-Vukeljići the museum “Hafiz Musa Kjazim”, whose exhibits, according to confirmed historical and artistic valorizations, represent an overview of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s historical, cultural and artistic heritage.From 2008 he is member of the Association of Fine Artists of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Udruženja Likovnih Umjetnika Bosne i Hercegovine, ULUBiH).