U sklopu Erasmus+ akademske razmjene, dr. Jonathan Blackwood (viši predavač & vođa istraživanja na Gray’s School of Art, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK) će u Galeriji ALU, u četvrtak 18. aprila 2019. godine u 12:00 sati održati predavanje na temu “Curating Contemporary Art in Scotland”.
Jon Blackwood is an educator, writer and curator of contemporary art. He is a Reader in Contemporary Art at Gray’s School of Art, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland. Jon lived in both Sarajevo and in Skopje between 2011-2014 and his curatorial practice focuses mainly on contemporary art from the UK, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia.
Recent exhibitions have included “Property of Emptiness: Jusuf Hadžifejzović” (Institute of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, 2014), “Captured State : New Art from Macedonia” (Summerhall, Edinburgh, 2017) and “Utopian Realism : Mladen Miljanović” (Peacock Visual Arts, Aberdeen, 2019).