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About ALU

The Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo, as a public higher education institution and a member of the University of Sarajevo, was established in 1972, pursuant to the Law on the Establishment of the Academy, adopted that same year, which defined its principal tasks, primarily those of educating artists sin the domain of fine and visual arts, and organising the teaching process for primary and secondary school teachers of arts.

It was founded by renowned artists, scientists, professors and professionals in the area of culture. Muhamed Karamehmedović, an art historian and the first dean of the Academy, Nada Pivac, an academic painter, Mersad Berber, an academic painter, Boro Aleksić, an academic painter, Alija Kučukalić, an academic sculptor, Zdenko Grgić, an academic sculptor – these are just a few names of famous professors – founders of the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo.

As of 1981, the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo has been carrying out its function in the reconstructed and adapted building of what had once been an Evangelical Church. The church was built in 1899 and designed by the famous Czech architect Karlo Paržik in a Romanesque-Byzantine style.

Akademija nije prekidala s radom ni tokom opsade grada. Bila je inicijator i mjesto brojnih kulturnih i umjetničkih događaja u opkoljnom gradu.

Za vrijeme opsade grada (1992-1995) Akademija nije prekidala s radom postavši inicijatorom i mjestom brojnih kulturnih i umjetničkih događaja u gradu, a nakon rata istrajno se radilo na obnovi materijalnog stradanja, osnaživanju nastavničkog i saradničkog kadra, povećanju studentske baze i modernizaciji nastavno-umjetničkog procesa.

U svojih pola stoljeća djelovanja Akademija likovnih umjetnosti obrazovala je vrsne umjetnike i stručnjake visokih kreativnih dometa koji uspješno reprezentiraju Akademiju na internacionalnoj umjetničkoj i dizajnerskoj sceni. Sa zadovoljstvom možemo reći da je to kadar koji daje svoj puni doprinos u kvalitativnom preobražaju kulturnog ambijenta u širokoj skali likovnih i vizualnih umjetnosti.

Organizational structure

Organizational structure of Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo comprises the following: Dean’s Office, Support Offices, Bodies of Academy, Departments (Art Education, Painting, Sculpting, Printmaking, Graphic Design and Product Design) and Chairs (Chair of Theory and History of Art and Chair of Photography and Multimedia).

The Academy comprises six specific departments, each with several elective subjects:

Each of these departments educates students for a specific art activity in the manner that meets the criteria of education in arts.

Bologna 4+1 System of Education.

In the academic year 2006/2007, the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Sarajevo started applying the Bologna 4+1 System of Education.

The main features of this system are:

  • 4 + 1: the study is structured as under-graduate (bachelor – four years and graduate (master – one year);
  • Modular studying of individual subjects so that after each module/semester, student success is evaluated by way of assigning points (in academic and university terms), marks (numerically and in letters) and credits (ECTS): the introduction of elective subjects of support from the 2nd to the 4th year of studies.
  • Introduction of elective subjects of support from the 2nd to the 4th year;
  • Modernisation of the teaching process with new contents and areas: computerisation of the required teaching content, organisation of master workshops, engagement of visiting professors, student participation in summer and winter schools, festivals and events across Europe and the world;
  • Further connection between the Academy and related institutions in BiH and abroad;
  • Organisation of regular academic events where overall artistic and scientific work of the Academy’s teaching staff, associates and students is presented.

Development of curricula for the 3rd (third) cycle of studies is under way.