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Interdisciplinary studies: Conservation and restoration

Interdisciplinary studies in Conservation and Restoration are conceived as a three-year undergraduate program and a two-year master’s and specialist program. Classes are delivered at the Academy of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Science of University of Sarajevo. The objective of the program is to provide general theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of conservation and restoration in the first three years of study, and then, in the following two years of study, to direct students to specialize in a given conservation-restoration field.
Due to the nature of conservation and restoration work, which unites the artistic and the professional aspect of activity with scientific work, studies in conservation and restoration are conceived so as to develop or upgrade the necessary students’ manual skills and artistic sensibility. Through an interdisciplinary program, students acquire knowledge in various disciplines of art, theory and history of art, protection of cultural heritage and science, and develop skills for independent planning, coordination and leading conservation and restoration projects.

Modules offered in foreign languages pdf

Duration of the program: 6 semesters (3 years)

Academic degree: Bachelor of conservation and restoration

Degree granted by: University of Sarajevo

Structure of the program:

The scope of the study program is valued at 60 (E)CTS credits in one year of studies, or 30 (E)CTS credits in one semester. Undergraduate studies for obtaining a degree last three years and are valued at 180 (E)CTS credits.

I semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Drawing I P2 + V1 + S2 5
Conservation I P1 + V0 2
General Chemistry P3 + V2 6
Climatology P3 + V2 5
Selected Chapters in Biology P3 + V2 5
Fundamentals of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage P2 + V1 + S1 4
History of Art I P1 + V1 + S1 3
II semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Drawing II P2 + V1 + S1 3
Conservation II P1 + V1 3
Bioindicators of Degradation P3 + V2 5
Inorganic Chemistry with Materials P3 + V2 6
Organic Chemistry with Materials P3 + V2 6
History of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage P2 + V1 + S1 4
History of Art II P1 + V1 + S1 3
III semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Drawing III P2 + V1 + S1 4
Conservation and Restoration P2 + V3 + S2 6
Sculpting P2 + V1 + S1 4
Fundamentals of Photography I P1 + V1 3
Cultural and Historical Heritage as Part of Environment P2 + V0 3
Material Degradation P2 + V0 3
Contemporary theory of conservation and restoration of cultural heritage P2 + V1 + S1 4
History of Art III P1 + V1 + S1 3
IV semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Restoration I P2 + V2 + S2 6
Printmaking P2 + V1 + S1 4
Fundamentals of Photography II P1 + V1 3
3D Computer Graphics P2 + V3 5
Diagnostics of Inorganic Materials P2 + V1 4
Fundamentals of Mineralogy with Petrography P3 + V2 5
History of Art IV P1 + V1 + S1 3
V semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Restoration II P2 + V1 + S2 5
Painting I P2 + V1 + S1 3
Photography – reprophotography P1 + V1 2
Diagnostics of Organic Materials P2 + V1 4
Microbiological Destruction and Methods of Protection P3 + V2 5
History of art of BiH P1 + V1 + S1 3
Physics in Conservation and Restoration P3 + V1 5
Students are required to choose ONE optional course from the offered list of courses:
Letterpress and intaglio P1 + V1 3
Sculpting II P1 + V1 3
Heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina (reception and evaluation) P1 + V1 3
Ebru: techniques I P1 + V1 3
Letter calligraphy I P1 + V1 3
VI semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Restoration III P1 + V3 + S2 6
Painting II P2 + V1 + S1 4
Technology – Anatomy of the Artefact P1 + V1 3
Analytical Methods in Conservation and Restoration P2 + V2 5
History of protection of cultural heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina P1 + V1 + S1 3
History of Art – 20th Century P1 + V1 + S1 3
Students are required to choose TWO optional courses from the offered list of courses:
Basics of sculpting materials and processes P1 + V1 + S1 3
Basics of painting materials and processes P1 + V1 + S1 3
Endangered cultural goods P1 + V1 + S1 3
Ebru: techniques II P1 + V1 + S1 3
Letter calligraphy II P1 + V1 + S1 3

Duration of the program: 6 semesters (three years)

Academic degree: Bachelor of conservation and restoration

Degree granted by: University of Sarajevo

Structure of the program: The scope of the study program is valued at 60 (E)CTS credits in one year of studies, or 30 (E)CTS credits in one semester. Undergraduate studies for obtaining a degree last three years and are valued at 180 (E)CTS credits.

I semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Drawing I P2 + V1 + S2 5
Conservation I P1 + V0 2
General Chemistry P3 + V2 6
Climatology P3 + V2 5
Selected Chapters in Biology P3 + V2 5
Fundamentals of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage P2 + V1 + S1 4
History of Art I P1 + V1 + S1 3
II semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Drawing II P2 + V1 + S1 3
Conservation II P1 + V1 3
Bioindicators of Degradation P3 + V2 5
Inorganic Chemistry with Materials P3 + V2 6
Organic Chemistry with Materials P3 + V2 6
History of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage P2 + V1 + S1 4
History of Art II P1 + V1 + S1 3
III semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Drawing III P2 + V1 + S1 4
Conservartion and restauration P2 + V3 + S2 6
Sculpting P2 + V1 + S1 4
Fundamentals of Photography I P1 + V1 3
Cultural and Historical Heritage as Part of Environment P2 + V0 3
Material Degradation P2 + V0 3
Contemporary theory of conservation and restoration of cultural heritage P2 + V1 + S1 4
History of Art III P1 + V1 + S1 3
IV semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Restoration I P2 + V2 + S2 6
Printmaking P2 + V1 + S1 4
Fundamentals of Photography II P1 + V1 3
3D Computer Graphics P2 + V3 5
Diagnostics of Inorganic Materials I P2 + V1 4
Fundamentals of Mineralogy with Petrography P3 + V2 5
History of Art IV P1 + V1 + S1 3
V semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Restoration II P2 + V1 + S2 5
Painting I P2 + V1 + S1 3
Photography – repro-photography P1 + V1 2
Diagnostics of Organic Materials P2 + V1 4
Microbiological Destruction and Methods of Protection P3 + V2 5
History of art of BiH P1 + V1 + S1 3
Physics in Conservation and Restoration P3 + V1 5
Students are required to choose ONE optional course from the offered list of courses:
Letterpress and intaglio P1 + V1 3
Sculpting I P1 + V1 3
Heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina (reception and evaluation) P1 + V1 3
VI semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Restoration III P1 + V3 + S2 6
Painting II P2 + V1 + S1 4
Technology – Anatomy of the Artefact P1 + V1 3
Analytical Methods in Conservation and Restoration P2 + V2 5
History of protection of heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina P1 + V1 + S1 3
History of Art XX P1 + V1 + S1 3
Students are required to choose TWO optional courses from the offered list of courses:
Sculpting Technology P1 + V1 + S1 3
Painting Technology P1 + V1 + S1 3
Endangered cultural goods P1 + V1 + S1 3

Duration of the program: 4 semesters (2 years)

Academic degree:

Master of conservation and restoration

Degree granted by: University of Sarajevo

Structure of the program: 30 (E)CTS credits in one semester, 120 (E)CTS credits in two years of studies.

I semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Art Aesthetics P1 + V1 + S1 3
Fundamentals of Conservation and Restoration P2 + V0 3
Conservation and restoration movable paintings and polychrome wood I P1 + V1 + S1 3
Conservation and restoration wall paintings I P1 + V1 + S1 3
Conservation and restoration sculptures I P1 + V1 + S1 3
Conservation and restoration of works on paper, parchment and silk I P1 + V1 + S1 3
Conservation of archeological heritage and conservation and restoration of ethnological heritage P1 + V0 + S1 2
Analytical methods of studying and documenting heritage P1 + V1 + S1 5
Microscopy – practical training P1 + V1 + S1 5
II semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Theory of Visual Arts and Visual Culture P1 + V1 2
Conservation and restoration movable paintings and polychrome wood II P3 + V2 + S4 10
Conservation and restoration wall paintings II P3 + V2 + S4 10
Conservation and restoration sculptures II P3 + V2 + S4 10
Conservation and restoration of works on paper, parchment and silk II P3 + V2 + S4 10
Laboratory I as a means of analyzing the selected artefact P3 + V2 + S3 9
Protection of architectural heritage P2 + V2 5
Contemporary Trends in the Art of BiH and the Region P1 + V1 2
Copying art P1 + V1 2
Methodology and phenomenology of active approach to architectural heritage P2 + V0 2
III semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Research methodology P1 + V1 3
Conservation and restoration movable paintings and polychrome wood – preparation of final thesis P2 + V3 + S6 11
Conservation and restoration of wall paintings – preparation of final thesis P2 + V3 + S6 11
Conservation and restoration of sculptures – preparation of final thesis P2 + V3 + S6 11
Conservation and restoration of works on paper, parchment and silk – preparation of final thesis P2 + V3 + S6 11
Laboratory II as a means of artefact analysis P2 + V3 + S6 11
Diagnosing P1 + V1 + S3 5
IV semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Graduation Thesis P3 + V0 + S15 25
Digital documentaristics P1 + V1 + S1 5

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Cazim Hadzimejlic

Prof. Dr. Ćazim Hadžimejlić is Full Professor at the Department of Conservation and Restoration of the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Sarajevo.

Prof. Ćazim Hadžimejlić was born in 1964 in Zenica, Bosna and Herzegovina. He finished his bachelor’s degree in 1991 at the Faculty of Applied Arts of the “Mimar Sinan” University in Istanbul, Turkey, and in 1994, his postgraduate studies at the Department of Calligraphy (Faculty of Fine Arts) of the Marmara University in Istanbul with a master’s thesis titled Calligrapher Jesiri-zade Mustafa Izzet-efendi, instigator of talik style, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Muhittin Serin. In 1997, he got his PhD degree on History of Art and Archeology at the Institute of Social Sciences of “Mimar Sinan” Fine Arts University, with a thesis titled “The importance of the precious books of the Gazi Hüsrev-beg library collection for Ottoman bookbinding and their preservation”, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Zeki Sönmez. At this university he specialized through two different postdoctoral works: in 1999, in the fields of Pathology, Conservation and Restauration of books under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sadet Gazi, and in 2001 in the fields of Bookbinding styles and Book Arts, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. İslam Seçen; while through other two postdoctoral works simultaneously at “Mimar Sinan” Fine Arts University and at IRCICA (Research Centre For Islamic History, Art and Culture) in 1999 he specialized in Talik and Rika’a Calligraphy styles under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Alija Alparslana, and in Sulus and Nesih Calligraphy styles under the supervision of master calligrapher Dr. h. c. Hasan Çelebi.

In the ten years that go from 1992 to 2002, Prof. Dr. Ćazim Hadžimejlić was lecturer at the Department of Book Arts, Conservation and Restauration, “Mimar Sinan” University. Since 2000 he has worked as Professor of a group of subjects on Conservation and Restauration, Book Art and Calligraphy at different departments of the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Sarajevo, and since 2004 he teaches theoretical subjects on History of Art at the Department of History of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Sarajevo, while since 2014 he also teaches and coordinates core subjects on Conservation of Artistic and Cultural Heritages at the graduate and undergraduate degree on Interdisciplinary Studies: Conservation and Restoration, in mutual collaboration with both the Academy of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Sarajevo. Since 2014. he is lecturer in Calligraphy at the Department of Arabic language and Literature of the University of Zenica.

To date, Prof. Dr. Ćazim Hadžimejlić has held 50 solo exhibitions, participated in 119 collective exhibitions worldwide, and gave talks in more than 80 international and national conferences, as well as organized many of them. As an acknowledgment for his contribution to science, art, and the conservation and protection of the cultural heritage, he received more than 83 public recognitions.

As part of his scientific and cultural work, he is also actively involved in collecting, compiling, translating and publishing valuable written material. Up to now, he has published 85 academic papers on calligraphy, conservation and restauration, cultural heritage and Islamic world, as well as translated the book Basri Baba Nefesleri – Hasan Basri Tapdik Baba (Yedi Iklim, Istanbul, 2001) from Ottoman Turkish into Bosnian, and published as author four encyclopedic books: Umjetnost islamske kaligrafije [The art of islamic calligraphy] (ITD „Sedam“, Sarajevo, 2009), Umjetnost islamskog knjigovestva [The art of Islamic bookbiniding] (ITD „Sedam“, Sarajevo, 2011) and Ebru – umjetnost slikanja na vodi [Ebru – the art of painting on water] (Connectum, Sarajevo, 2014), 40 Bosanskohercegovačkih Mushafa  [ 40 Bosnian and Herzegovian Mushafs] (Blicdruck, Sarajevo, 2022).

In 2003, Ćazim Hadžimejlić initiated the project of a periodic magazine on historical heritage, Tasawwuf and culture, named Kelamu’l Šifa’ [Healing words], of which he is the editor in chief and where he published many of his scientific works on the history and culture of Islam.

Ćazim Hadžimejlić is author of many decorative works on numerous sacral and civil places, as well as he has worked on a big number of projects regarding conservation and restoration in museums, libraries, institutes and private collections, both in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad. Resulting from this work, he opened in Živčići-Vukeljići the museum “Hafiz Musa Kjazim”, whose exhibits, according to confirmed historical and artistic valorizations, represent an overview of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s historical, cultural and artistic heritage.From 2008 he is member of the Association of Fine Artists of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Udruženja Likovnih Umjetnika Bosne i Hercegovine, ULUBiH).