Study program at the Department of Sculpting deals with issues of the sculpting craft; in a free analogy with language, it refers to the sculpting lexicon and sculpting grammar. The program also includes developing students’ capability for experiment as the most suitable method of verifying research procedures. Besides conceptual starting points, the study program at the Department of Sculpting teaches processes of the embodiment of an art idea by mastering various artistic media, aimed at forming a personal artistic expression and complex understanding of the phenomenon of sculpture. The compulsory curriculum of the Department encompasses areas such as modelling, sculpting technology, sculpting, creative processing of material, creative drawing of the nude, evening nude drawing, plastic anatomy, art form, spatial theory, history of art, aesthetics and art aesthetics. The structure of the Department of Sculpting satisfies requirements of the Bologna process in terms of individual choice of elective courses, and students thus have the possibility to satisfy their interests in different fields of art. By studying at the Department of Sculpting students will become capable for independent artistic work, as well as for work in cultural and artistic institutions.
Duration of the program: 8 semesters (4 years)
Academic degree: Bachelor of Fine Arts – sculpting
Degree granted by: University of Sarajevo
Structure of the program:
The scope of the study program is valued at 60 (E)CTS credits in one year of studies, or 30 (E)CTS credits in one semester. Undergraduate studies for obtaining a degree last four years and are valued at 240 (E)CTS credits.
I semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Modelling I | P3 + V4 | 8 |
Sculpting Materials and Processes I | P2 + V3 | 5 |
Fundamentals of Multimedia and Digital Creation I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Evening Nude Drawing I | P2 + V2 | 5 |
History of Art I | P2 + V1 | 3 |
Anatomy for Artists I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Art Form I | P2 + V2 | 5 |
II semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Modelling II | P3 + V4 | 8 |
Sculpting Materials and Processes II | P2 + V3 | 5 |
Fundamentals of Multimedia and Digital Creation II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Evening Nude Drawing II | P2 + V2 | 5 |
History of Art II | P2 + V1 | 3 |
Anatomy for Artists II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Art Form II | P2 + V2 | 5 |
III semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Modelling III | P3 + V4 | 8 |
Sculpting Materials and Processes III | P2 + V3 | 5 |
Evening Nude Drawing III | P2 + V2 | 5 |
History of Art III | P2 + V1 | 4 |
Art Form of Three-dimensional Art – Poetics of Space I | P2 + V2 | 4 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose TWO optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
Introduction to Painting I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Introduction to Time-based Multimedia Creation I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Fundamentals of Photography I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Calligraphy I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Conservation of Paper I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
English I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
IV semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Modelling IV | P3 + V4 | 8 |
Sculpting Materials and Processes IV | P2 + V3 | 5 |
Evening Nude Drawing IV | P2 + V2 | 5 |
History of Art IV | P2 + V1 | 4 |
Art Form of Three-dimensional Art – Poetics of Space II | P2 + V2 | 4 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose TWO optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
Introduction to Painting II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Introduction to Time-based Multimedia Creation II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Fundamentals of Photography II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Calligraphy II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Conservation of Paper II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
English II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
V semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Sculpting I | P3 + V4 | 8 |
Contemporary Sculpting Methods I | P1 + V2 | 4 |
Creative Processing of Material I | P1 + V2 | 4 |
Evening Nude Drawing V | P2 + V2 | 4 |
History of Art – 20th Century I | P2 + V1 | 3 |
Aesthetics I | P2 + V1 | 3 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose TWO optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
Picture in Context I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Introduction to Interactive Multimedia I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Painting Technology I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Photography and Digital Techniques I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Contemporary Art in BiH I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
English for the Profession I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
VI semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Sculpting II | P3 + V4 | 8 |
Contemporary Sculpting Methods II | P1 + V2 | 4 |
Creative Processing of Material II | P1 + V2 | 4 |
Evening Nude Drawing VI | P2 + V2 | 4 |
History of Art – 20th Century II | P2 + V1 | 3 |
Aesthetics II | P2 + V1 | 3 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose TWO optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
Picture in Context II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Introduction to Interactive Multimedia II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Painting Technology II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Photography and Digital Techniques II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Ebru I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Materials, Decorations and Manual Technics of Production I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Printmaking – Serigraphy I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Contemporary Art in BiH II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
English for the Profession II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
VII semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Sculpting III | P3 + V4 | 8 |
Creative Processing of Material III | P2 + V3 | 6 |
Evening Nude Drawing VII | P2 + V2 | 4 |
Art Aesthetics I | P2 + V1 | 4 |
Synthetic Technologies in Contemporary Fine Arts | P1 + V1 | 2 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose THREE optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
Painting Project | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Light in Design I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Printmaking – Serigraphy II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Materials, Decorations and Manual Technics of Production II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Ebru II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
VIII semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Sculpting IV | P3 + V4 | 8 |
Creative Processing of Material IV | P2 + V3 | 6 |
Evening Nude Drawing VIII | P2 + V2 | 4 |
Art Aesthetics II | P2 + V1 | 4 |
Graduation Thesis | S8 | 8 |
Duration of the program: 2 semesters (1 year)
Academic degree:
Master of Fine Arts – sculpting
Degree granted by: University of Sarajevo
Structure of the program: 30 (E)CTS credits in one semester, 60 (E)CTS credits in one year of studies.
I semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Modelling V | P2 + V6 | 7 |
Methodology and Methods of the Theory and History of Art | P1 + V1 | 3 |
Contemporary Trends in the Theory and History of Art | P1 + V1 | 3 |
Graduation Thesis preparation | P + V | 15 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose ONE optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
Photography – Digital Printmaking I | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Development of Design – Design and Architecture | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Industrial Design | P1 + V0 | 2 | Contemporary Trends in the Theory and History of Art | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Visual Communications | P1 + V0 | 2 |
II semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Modelling VI | P2 + V6 | 7 |
Theory of Visual Arts and Visual Culture | P1 + V1 | 3 |
Contemporary Trends in the Art of BiH and the Region | P1 + V1 | 3 |
Graduation Thesis | P + V | 15 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose ONE optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
Photography – Digital Printmaking II | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Development of Design – Contemporary Communictaion and Design | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Industrial Design – Wood in Industrial Design | P1 + V0 | 2 | Contemporary Trends in the Art of BiH and the Region | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Visual Communications and Applied Design | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Aesthetics of Static and Mobile Techno-picture | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Under construction.
Obala Maka Dizdara 3, 71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzogovina
Phone: +387 (0) 33 210 369
Rođen 1973. godine u Zrenjaninu. Osnovnu i srednju školu završio je u Sarajevu. Diplomirao 2001. godine na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti Univerziteta u Sarajevu, Odsjek kiparstvo, u klasi profesora Mustafe Skopljaka. Magistrirao na istom odsjeku 2007. godine, na temu “Tehnifikacija materijala u savremenom kiparskom izrazu“.
Od 1998. godine aktivno učestvuje na domaćim i međunarodnim izložbama, umjetničkim kolonijama i simpozijima skulpture, projektima konzervacije i restauracije (značajan projekat – k/r Ferhadija, Banja Luka) , te u realizaciji pozorišne i filmske scenografije. Od 2002. godine član je Udruženja likovnih umjetnika Bosne i Hercegovine.
Na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti Univerziteta u Sarajevu radi od 2002. Godine, trenutno u svojstvu vanrednog profesora na oblasti Kiparstvo i Interdisciplinarnom studiju konzervacija i restauracija.
Dobitnik nekoliko značajnih nagrada iz oblasti likovne umjetnosti:
Daniel Premec (1976, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) visual artist.
Education: 2012., PhD / student of Arts – Department of Sculpture , Faculty of Fine Arts , University of Arts in Belgrade Serbia. 2008., MFA / Academy of Fine Arts, University of Sarajevo, Department of Sculpture, B&H. 2001., BFA / Academy of Fine Arts, University of Sarajevo, Department of Sculpture, B&H. 1994., School of Applied Art, Department of Sculpture, Sarajevo, B&H.
Through solo and group exhibitions he has been actively participating in the local and international contemporary art scene since 1994.
He uses a variety of media, including sculpture, installations, objects, performance and video. Participant in numerous exhibitions and receiver of several prestigious awards and scholarships, his works are included in museum and private collections. Member of Artists Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina, since 2003.-2015. Member of the Board of the Association of Visual Artists of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ULUBIH) since 2006. vol. until 2009. President of the Arts Council ULUBIH’s from 2010. until 2014. Member of the Association for Culture and Art Crvena, since 2013. Daniel Premec has been in the Artnaut since 2015.U.S.A. Daniel is currently working as professor at the Academy of Fine Arts Sarajevo, Department of Sculpture, B&H.
Web site:
Darko Stanić rođen u Sarajevu 1978 godine. Završio Školu primjenjenih umjetnosti u Sarajevu 1997 godine. Diplomirao na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Sarajevu 2002 godine na Odsjeku za kiparstvo u klasi profesora Mustafe Skopljaka kao student generacije i dobitnik nagrade „Alija Kučukalić“. Magistrirao na istom odsjeku na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Sarajevu 2008 godine sa najvišim uspjehom. Član je ULUBIH-a od 2002 godine. Trenutno radi kao viši asistent na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Sarajevu na Odsjeku za kiparstvo. Izlagao na mnogim izložbama, bijenalima i umjetničkim festivalima u zemlji i inostranstvu. Dobitnik je brojnih priznanja za svoj umjetnički rad od čega dvije domaće i dvadeset devet međunarodnih nagrada.