The Department of Art Education was established as a home department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo in 1972. The interdisciplinary character of the study program allows students to develop key competences, which constitute the basis for professionalism, innovation and originality in developing and applying ideas and concepts, both in artistic practice and in the practice of art education. The acquired competences will be used for systematic understanding of complex ideas and processes, integrating knowledge of the selected discipline of fine arts and methods of teaching visual art and culture of art. Students will be able to apply the acquired skills in an encounter with new challenges and within a broad interdisciplinary context, all aimed at improving the quality of their own creative strategies and practical and theoretical knowledge in the context of teaching. They will adopt professional values, i.e. a system of beliefs and views in the context of school, global and local community, and orientation toward critical consideration of the role of a teacher of visual art and culture of art with all social and moral responsibilities. The interdisciplinarity of the study program of the Department of Art Education, which has been a content-integrated program since the 2019/2020 academic year, is visible through the encounter between different fields and disciplines, such as painting, sculpting, printmaking, art form, methods of teaching visual art and culture of art, theory of art, history of art, aesthetics, pedagogy, psychology, didactics, inclusive education, etc., where contents of the listed courses allow and encourage development of artistic and educational thought. Upon completing studies, students will be able to work in a wide field of artistic and educational work. Besides acquiring key competences for educational work at all levels of education (primary, secondary and higher), students will be capable for independent artistic work and research, as well as for work in institutions of culture and professional associations. Fundamental competences are expanded in line with passed exams in elective courses.
Duration of the program: 8 semesters (4 years)
Academic degree: Bachelor of Fine Arts – art education
Degree granted by: University of Sarajevo
Structure of the program:
The scope of the study program is valued at 60 (E)CTS credits in one year of studies, or 30 (E)CTS credits in one semester. Undergraduate studies for obtaining a degree last four years and are valued at 240 (E)CTS credits.
I semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Drawing I | P3 + V4 | 8 |
Art Form I | P2 + V2 | 5 |
Fundamentals of Fine Arts Technology | P2 + V2 | 5 |
History of Art I | P2 + V1 | 3 |
General Pedagogy | P2 + V0 | 3 |
Plastic Anatomy I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Fundamentals of Multimedia and Digital Creation I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Spatial Theory | P1 + V1 | 2 |
II semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Drawing II | P3 + V4 | 8 |
Fundamentals of Painting Technology | P2 + V2 | 5 |
Art Form II | P2 + V2 | 5 |
History of Art II | P2 + V1 | 3 |
General Psychology | P2 + V0 | 3 |
Plastic Anatomy II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Fundamentals of Multimedia and Digital Creation II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
General Sociology | P1 + V1 | 2 |
III semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Drawing III | P3 + V4 | 8 |
History of Art III | P2 + V1 | 4 |
Fundamentals of Modelling I | P2 + V2 | 4 |
Printmaking Techniques I | P2 + V2 | 4 |
Fundamentals of Printmaking Technology | P1 + V2 | 3 |
Didactics | P2 + V0 | 3 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose TWO optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
English I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Fundamentals of Sculpting Technology I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Introduction to Time-based Multimedia Creation I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Evening Nude Drawing I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Fundamentals of Photography I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Art Form III | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Calligraphy I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
IV semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Drawing IV | P3 + V4 | 8 |
Fundamentals of Modelling II | P2 + V2 | 4 |
Printmaking Techniques II | P2 + V2 | 4 |
History of Art IV | P2 + V1 | 4 |
Technology of Wall Painting | P1 + V2 | 3 |
Inclusive Education | P2 + V0 | 3 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose TWO optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
English II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Fundamentals of Sculpting Technology II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Introduction to Time-based Multimedia Creation II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Evening Nude Drawing II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Fundamentals of Photography II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Art Form IV | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Calligraphy II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
V semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Painting I | P3 + V4 | 8 |
Fundamentals of Sculpting I | P1 + V2 | 4 |
Printmaking Techniques III | P1 + V2 | 4 |
Methods of Teaching Visual Arts and Culture of Art I | P2 + V2 | 4 |
History of Art – 20th Century I | P2 + V1 | 3 |
Aesthetics I | P2 + V1 | 3 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose TWO optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
English for the Profession I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Fundamentals of Sculpting Technology I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Fundamentals of Sculpting Technology III | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Painting Technology I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Introduction to Interactive Multimedia I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Evening Nude Drawing III | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Photography and Digital Techniques I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Ebru I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Materials, Decorations and Manual Technics of Production I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
VI semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Painting II | P3 + V4 | 8 |
Fundamentals of Sculpting II | P1 + V2 | 4 |
Printmaking Techniques IV | P1 + V2 | 4 |
Methods of Teaching Visual Arts and Culture of Art II | P2 + V2 | 4 |
History of Art – 20th Century II | P2 + V1 | 3 |
Aesthetics II | P2 + V1 | 3 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose TWO optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
English for the Profession II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Fundamentals of Sculpting Technology II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Fundamentals of Sculpting Technology IV | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Painting Technology II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Introduction to Interactive Multimedia II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Evening Nude Drawing IV | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Photography and Digital Techniques II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Ebru II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Materials, Decorations and Manual Technics of Production II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
VII semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
a) Painting III b) Sculpting Expression I c) Printmaking Techniques V |
P3 + V4 | 8 |
Methods of Teaching Visual Arts and Culture of Art – Methodology Practicum I | P2 + V4 | 7 |
Methods of Teaching Visual Arts and Culture of Art III | P2 + V1 | 3 |
Art Aesthetics I | P2 + V1 | 4 |
Demonstration classes in teaching visual arts and culture of art | P0 + V2 | 2 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose THREE optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
English for the Profession III | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Fundamentals of Sculpting Technology I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Fundamentals of Sculpting Technology III | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Painting Technology I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Printmaking – Serigraphy I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Evening Nude Drawing V | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Contemporary Art in BiH I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Conservation of Paper I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
VIII semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
a) Painting IV b) Sculpting Expression II c) Printmaking Techniques VI |
P3 + V4 | 8 |
Methods of Teaching Visual Arts and Culture of Art – Methodology Practicum II | P2 + V4 | 7 |
Art Aesthetics II | P2 + V1 | 4 |
Methods of Teaching Visual Arts and Culture of Art IV | P2 + V1 | 3 |
Creative Process Methodology | P2 + V0 | 2 |
Sociology of Culture and Art | P2 + V0 | 2 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose TWO optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
English for the Profession IV | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Fundamentals of Sculpting Technology II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Fundamentals of Sculpting Technology IV | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Painting Technology II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Printmaking – Serigraphy II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Evening Nude Drawing VI | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Contemporary Art in BiH II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Conservation of Paper II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Duration of the program: 2 semesters (1 year)
Academic degree: Master of Fine Arts – art education
Degree granted by: University of Sarajevo
Structure of the program: 30 (E)CTS credits in one semester, 60 (E)CTS credits in one year of studies.
I semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
a) Painting V b) Sculpting Expression III c) Printmaking Techniques VII |
P3 + V4 | 8 |
Methods of Teaching Visual Arts and Culture of Art – Graduation Practicum I | P2 + V4 | 7 |
Methods of Teaching Visual Arts and Culture of Art V | P2 + V2 | 5 |
Pedagogical research – scientific research work | P2 + V0 | 3 |
Methods of artistic research work | P2 + V1 | 3 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose TWO optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
Forms in contemporary artistic practices | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Synthetic Technologies in Contemporary Fine Arts | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Poster | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Visual Communications | P1 + V1 | 2 |
II semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
a) Painting VI b) Sculpting Expression IV c) Printmaking Techniques VIII |
P3 + V4 | 8 |
Methods of Teaching Visual Arts and Culture of Art – Graduation Practicum II | P2 + V4 | 7 |
Methods of Teaching Visual Arts and Culture of Art VI | P2 + V2 | 5 |
Museum theory and practice | P2 + V1 | 3 |
Graduation Thesis | 7 |
Under construction.
Obala Maka Dizdara 3, 71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzogovina
Phone: +387 (0) 33 210 369
Rođena 1980. u Sarajevu, Jasmina je magistrirala na Okinawa prefekturalnom univerzitetu umjetnosti u Japanu i magistrirala na LSE-u. Doktorirala je teoriju umjetnosti i medija na Univerzitetu umetnosti u Beogradu 2014. godine na temu ‘Politike sjećanja u vizuelnim umjetnostima–Savremena umjetnost Okinawe i Bosne i Hercegovine’ pod mentorstvom prof. dr Milene Dragićević-Šešić. U svom radu se bavi pitanjima kolektivnog i individualnog identiteta, rodnim nasiljem, transgeneracijskim prijenosom trauma u vizualnim umjetnostima u Bosni i Hercegovini, Japanu (Okinawa) i Belgiji. Jasmina radi kao vanredna profesorica na Nastavničkom odsjeku Akademije likovnih umjetnosti Univerziteta u Sarajevu. Bila je međunarodni istraživač Japanskog društva za promicanje znanosti na Univerzitetu Doshisha, Fakultet za studij javnih politika u Kyotu (2018./2020.).
Odabrane publikacije:
Gavrankapetanović-Redžić, J. (2023). In the Shadow of Genocide: Mothers of Srebrenica and New Social Power. In: Arıboğan, D.Ü., Khelghat-Doost, H. (eds) Constructing Motherhood Identity Against Political Violence. Contributions to International Relations. Springer, Cham.
Gavrankapetanović-Redžić, J. (2019) “Cultural Capital in Times of Crisis: The Fragmentation of Sarajevo’s Post-war Cultural Elite” [Kulturni kapital u doba krize: Fragmentacija sarajevske poslijeratne kulturne elite] in Southeastern Europe, Vol.43(2) 2019.1–26. DOI 10.1163 /18763332-0430200. Napomena: recenzirani časopis.
Gavrankapetanović-Redžić, J. (2018) “Post-genocide Bosnian (Muslim) Female Identity: Visualizing motherhood, violence and sexuality” [Post-genocidni identitet bosanskih (muslimanskih) žena: Vizualizacija majčinstva, nasilja i seksualnosti] In: Acta Universitatis Carolinae Studia Territorialia. Volume XVIIII, nr. 2: 63-88. DOI: 10.14712/23363231.2019.12. Napomena: recenzirani časopis.
Gavrankapetanović-Redžić, J. (2018) “Culture, Memory and Collective Identities in the (Re) Making: The National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina” [Kultura, sjećanje i kolektivni identiteti u (ponovnom) stvaranju: Zemaljski muzej Bosne i Hercegovine]–The Slavic-Eurasian Research Centre, Hokkaido University, Acta Slavica Iaponica Tomus 39, pp. 71-90 ISSN 0288-3503. Napomena: recenzirani časopis.
Umjetnički portfolio:
Dr. Nela Hasanbegović was born in Sarajevo (1984) where she completed primary education, and then secondary education at the School of Applied Arts. Graduated at the Sculpture Department, Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo 2007. MFA studies completed at the same department 2010. PhD studies completed at the Faculty of Fine Arts Universty of Arts in Belgrade, at the same department 2025. She has been working at the Department of Art Education at the Academy of Fine Arts University of Sarajevo since 2012. Currently is assistant professor in the field of Methods of Art Education. Currently is PhD candidate at third-year of interdisciplinary doctoral studies at the Faculty of Educational Sciences University in Sarajevo. She exhibited her artworks at 131 international and domestic group exhibitions and realized 23-solo exhibitions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad. Her artworks are included in important museums and private collections. She has given talks at numerous panels and presentations, and held several lectures. She has published several papers and participated in many symposia, artist colonies and residency programs, and she has won several prestigious awards and scholarships. She is a member of the several Associations of Artists in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad. Special areas of her research interest include three-dimensional and multidisciplinary art as well as teaching process at all levels of education, with an emphasis on the Methods of Art Education. |