The interdisciplinary character of the program at the Department of Graphic Design can be recognized in the curriculum, which encompasses diverse theoretical, technical-technological and professional-artistic fields. The program is aimed at familiarizing students with fundamental knowledge and skills of artistic expression, shaping in the fields of graphic design, i.e. design of visual communications, as well as of photography, multimedia and new media, and with the necessary knowledge in the theory and history of art and design, which in turn helps to round up the studies and allow articulation and contextualization of work and practice in the field of design of visual communications. Work on developing communication criteria of graphic design and on examining and optimizing graphic, digital media and related disciplines is aimed at developing the ability of young designers who have completed studies to bravely enter the professional community. The program therefore encourages ties between similar faculties and academies, cooperation with individuals and groups from the business sector, art and media. We also organize and participate in projects, competitions, festivals, workshops and exhibitions. Students acquire competences for work on designing living and visual environment in a harmonious balance, both through commercial projects and through community practices, and to respond to changes and challenges of new ways of visualizing and communicating ideas through different media and new platforms.
Duration of the program: 8 semesters (4 years)
Academic degree: Bachelor of Fine Arts – graphic design
Degree granted by: University of Sarajevo
Structure of the program:
The scope of the study program is valued at 60 (E)CTS credits in one year of studies, or 30 (E)CTS credits in one semester. Undergraduate studies for obtaining a degree last four years and are valued at 240 (E)CTS credits.
I semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Introduction to Graphic Design I | P2 + V4 | 6 |
Typography I | P1 + V2 | 3 |
Fundamentals of Photography I | P1 + V3 | 4 |
Drawing I | P2 + V6 | 8 |
History of Art I | P2 + V1 | 4 |
Art Form I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Fundamentals of Multimedia and Digital Creation I | P1 + V2 | 3 |
II semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Introduction to Graphic Design II | P2 + V4 | 6 |
Typography II | P1 + V2 | 3 |
Fundamentals of Photography II | P1 + V3 | 4 |
Drawing II | P2 + V6 | 8 |
History of Art II | P2 + V1 | 4 |
Art Form II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Fundamentals of Multimedia and Digital Creation II | P1 + V2 | 3 |
III semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Graphic Design I | P2 + V4 | 6 |
Typography III | P1 + V2 | 3 |
Photography I | P1 + V2 | 3 |
Drawing III | P2 + V4 | 6 |
Introduction to Time-based Multimedia Creation I | P1 + V3 | 4 |
History of Art III | P2 + V1 | 4 |
Development of Design I | P2 + V2 | 4 |
IV semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Graphic Design II | P2 + V4 | 6 |
Typography IV | P1 + V2 | 3 |
Photography II | P1 + V2 | 3 |
Drawing IV | P2 + V4 | 6 |
Introduction to Time-based Multimedia Creation II | P1 + V3 | 4 |
History of Art IV | P2 + V1 | 4 |
Development of Design II | P2 + V2 | 4 |
V semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Visual Communications I | P2 + V4 | 6 |
Typographic Design I | P1 + V3 | 4 |
Photography III | P1 + V2 | 3 |
Illustration I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Introduction to Interactive Multimedia I | P1 + V2 | 3 |
Development of Design III | P2 + V2 | 4 |
History of Art – 20th Century I | P2 + V1 | 4 |
Marketing I | P1 + V1 | 2 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose ONE optional course from the offered list of courses: |
Calligraphy I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Printmaking Techniques I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Modelling I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Evening Nude Drawing I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Painting I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
English for the Profession I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
VI semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Visual Communications II | P2 + V4 | 6 |
Typographic Design II | P1 + V3 | 4 |
Photography IV | P1 + V2 | 3 |
Illustration II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Introduction to Interactive Multimedia II | P1 + V2 | 3 |
Development of Design IV | P2 + V2 | 4 |
History of Art – 20th Century II | P2 + V1 | 4 |
Marketing II | P1 + V1 | 2 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose ONE optional course from the offered list of courses: |
Materials, Decorations and Manual Technics of Production | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Printmaking Techniques II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Modelling II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Evening Nude Drawing II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Painting II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
English for the Profession II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
VII semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Visual Communications III | P2 + V6 | 8 |
Typographic Design III | P1 + V2 | 3 |
Illustration III | P1 + V2 | 3 |
Photography V | P1 + V3 | 4 |
Multimedia | P1 + V3 | 4 |
Forms of Advertising Activity | P2 + V1 | 4 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose TWO optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
Printmaking and Other Media I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Printmaking – Serigraphy I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Painting III | P1 + V1 | 2 |
History of Art – Contemporary Art of BiH I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Theories in Design I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
English for the Profession III | P1 + V1 | 2 |
VIII semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Visual Communications IV | P2 + V6 | 8 |
Grafika knjige | P1 + V2 | 3 |
Illustration IV | P1 + V2 | 3 |
Photography VI | P1 + V3 | 4 |
Graduation Thesis | 8 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose TWO optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
Printmaking and Other Media II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Printmaking – Serigraphy II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Painting IV | P1 + V1 | 2 |
History of Art – Contemporary Art of BiH II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Theories in Design II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
English for the Profession IV | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Duration of the program: 2 semesters (1 year)
Academic degree:
Master of Fine Arts – graphic design
Degree granted by: University of Sarajevo
Structure of the program: 30 (E)CTS credits in one semester, 60 (E)CTS credits in one year of studies.
I semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
a) Visual Communications V / b) Book Design III / c) Typographic Design V | P2 + V6 | 7 |
Methodology and Methods of the Theory and History of Art | P1 + V1 | 3 |
Development of Design – Contemporary trends in Design and Architecture | P1 + V1 | 3 |
Graduation Thesis preparation | P + V | 15 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose ONE optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
Photography – digital I | P1 + V | 2 | Development of Design – Design and Architecture | P1 + V | 2 |
Industrial Design | P1 + V | 2 |
Contemporary Trends in the Theory and History of Art | P1 + V | 2 | Visual Communications | P1 + V | 2 |
Post-object Art | P1 + V | 2 |
II semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
a) Visual Communications VI / b) Book Design IV / c) Typographic Design VI | P2 + V6 | 7 |
Theory of Visual Arts and Visual Culture | P1 + V1 | 3 |
Development of design VI – contemporary communication and design | P1 + V1 | 3 |
Graduation Thesis | P + V | 15 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose ONE optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
Photography – digital II | P1 + V | 2 | Development of design – contemporary communication and design | P1 + V | 2 |
Industrial Design – Wood in Industrial Design | P1 + V | 2 |
Contemporary Trends in the Art of BiH and the Region | P1 + V | 2 |
Visual Communications and Applied Design | P1 + V | 2 |
Aesthetics of Static and Mobile Techno-picture | P1 + V | 2 |
Under construction.
Obala Maka Dizdara 3, 71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzogovina
Phone: +387 (0) 33 210 369
Amer Mržljak was born in 1973 in Sarajevo. He graduated from the Department of Graphic Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo and earned his master’s degree in the same department in 2016. Since 2019, he has been engaged at the Academy of Fine Arts, currently holding the position of an Associate Professor.
He has worked as an art director within creative teams at Design Trio Sarajevo and the marketing agency Fabrika. Throughout his professional career, he has been involved in numerous socially engaged, cultural, and commercial projects, contributing to the creation of various publications. He has particularly been active in the field of advertising, participating in the making of numerous campaigns for both domestic and international clients.
Amer Mržljak has received several domestic and international awards and recognitions.He is the author of five solo exhibitions and has participated in several group exhibitions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Germany, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey, and Japan.
His works have been published in various international magazines specializing in visual communications and arts, including “Print Magazine,” “How Magazine,” “Step Inside Design Magazine,” as well as publications such as “Innovative Promotions that Work” and “Anatomy of Design: Uncovering the Influences and Inspirations in Modern Graphic Design.”
Bojan Hadžihalilović je diplomirao 1989. na odsjeku grafički dizajn kod profesora Mladena Kolobarića, magistrirao 2003. kod profesora Stane Bernika. Prije 20 godina bio jedan od osnivača dizajnerskog studio – Design TRIO Sarajevo (zajedno sa Dalidom Hadžihalilović i Lejlom Mulabegović Hatt). U početku se studio bavio dizajnom omota za ploče, News magazina, pozorišnih i filmskih plakata, knjiga…
Iza rata formiraju agenciju Fabrika-Sarajevo koja se bavi dizajnom, kompjuterskom grafikom, TV animacijom, produkcijom TV spotova i marketing komunikacijama.
Radovi grupe Trio i Fabrika su publikovani u magazinima: “Graphis”, “Print”, “How”, “Step inside Design”, “Life”, “Newsweek, “The Face”, “Creative Review”, “Art Press”, “Print”, “Flash Art”, kao i publikacijama “Anatomy of Design”, “Innovative Promotions at Work”, “The Design of Dissent”, “Graphic Agitation II”, “Evil doesn’t live Here”, “Political posters in Central and Eastern Europe 45-95”, “Bound les Borders”.
Bojan Hadžihalilović predaje na Akademiji Likovnih Umjetnosti u Sarajevu, odsjek grafički dizajn.
Fikret Libovac je rođen 1957. godine u Prijedoru. Diplomirao je na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Sarajevu 1984. godine, u klasi profesora Alije Kučukalića. Postdiplomski studij završio je na istoj akademiji 1990. godine. Član je Udruženja likovnih umjetnika Bosne i Hercegovine. Izlagao na brojnim samostalnim i kolektivnim izložbama. Samostalna izložba koju je realizovao u sarajevskoj galeriji “Collegium artisticum“ proglašena je za kulturni događaj 2011. godine. Dobitnik je više priznanja i nagrada za skulpturu, crtež i instalaciju. Živi u Sarajevu i profesor je na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Sarajevu.
Dejan Slavuljica je rođen u Tuzli 14.2.1976. godine.
Osnovnu školu “Džemal Mandžić“ i Srednju mašinsku školu završava u Tuzli. Akademiju likovnih umjetnosti u Sarajevu, Odsjek za grafički dizajn, upisuje 2002. godine i završava je kao student generacije.
Nakon završenog studija radi samostalno kao free lance dizajner i upisuje postdiplomski studij na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti Sarajevo. Projekti ga sve češće upućuju i vezuju za agenciju “Fabrika“ iz Sarajeva, za koju se profesionalno i vezuje u narednom periodu. Početkom ljetnog semestra 2013. godine, prelazi na Akademiju likovnih umjetnosti u Sarajevu, kao asistent na predmetima Uvod u grafički dizajn I i II i Grafika knjige, kod prof. mr. Amre Zulfikarpašić.
Od malih nogu je aktivno zainteresovan za likovni svijet, djeluje instinktivno i uključuje se samostalno u različite projekte iz struke. Takav pristup kreativnom problemu ga povezuje sa velikim brojem interesantnih projekata, koji su ga od amaterske osnove doveli do profesionalne definicije. Istražujući različite mogućnosti grafičkog dizajna, poseban senzibilitet i interesovanje razvija prema ilustrativnom izrazu po čemu je postao i prepoznatljiv. 2016 godine magistrira sa radom „Kako nastaje ilustracija“, a od 2022 – 23 školske godine u zvanju docenta izvodi nastavu na predmetu Ilustracija.
Izlagao je na dvadeset samostalnih i velikom broju kolektivnih izložbi, u rodnom gradu, državi i inostranstvu. I pored toga što je diplomom grafički dizajner, radovi koje je izlagao bili su i crteži, skulpture, slike, fotografije i drugi oblici likovnog izraza.