Curricula of the Department of Painting are aimed at broadening cognitive, creative and technological capabilities of each student, with a focus on their individual sensibility and creative intention. By using contemporary materials and studying new concepts in the organization of elements of art, and by examining their relationship with the tradition of classical painting, the objective is to form a personal artistic expression and allow complex understanding of the phenomenon of the painting in a broad sense. The compulsory part of the curriculum includes fields such as drawing, painting, evening nude drawing, painting technology, art form, anatomy for artists, history of art, aesthetics, art aesthetics and technology of wall painting (fresco, mosaic, sgraffito decoration). The structure of the study program at the Department of Painting allows students, in the spirit of the Bologna process, to independently choose various elective courses such as those in the field of history and theory of art, as well as to acquire knowledge and develop skills in multimedia. During the studies, students acquire fundamental competences for independent artistic work, and for work in institutions of culture and professional associations.
Duration of the program: 8 semesters (4 years)
Academic degree: Bachelor of Fine Arts – painting
Degree granted by: University of Sarajevo
Structure of the program:
The scope of the study program is valued at 60 (E)CTS credits in one year of studies, or 30 (E)CTS credits in one semester. Undergraduate studies for obtaining a degree last four years and are valued at 240 (E)CTS credits.
I semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Drawing I | P3 + V5 | 10 |
Evening Nude Drawing I | P2 + V2 | 5 |
History of Art I | P2 + V1 | 4 |
Anatomy for Artists I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Art Form I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Painting Technology I | P1 + V2 | 4 |
Fundamentals of Multimedia and Digital Creation I | P1 + V2 | 3 |
II semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Drawing II | P3 + V5 | 10 |
Evening Nude Drawing II | P2 + V2 | 5 |
History of Art II | P2 + V1 | 4 |
Anatomy for Artists II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Art Form II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Painting Technology II | P1 + V2 | 4 |
Fundamentals of Multimedia and Digital Creation II | P1 + V2 | 3 |
III semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Drawing – Large Nude I | P3 + V5 | 9 |
Evening Nude Drawing III | P2 + V2 | 5 |
History of Art III | P2 + V1 | 4 |
Contemporary Painting Methods and Materials | P1 + V2 | 4 |
Introduction to Time-based Multimedia Creation I | P1 + V3 | 4 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose TWO optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
Modelling I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Printmaking Techniques I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
English I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Introduction to Graphic Design I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
IV semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Drawing – Large Nude II | P3 + V5 | 9 |
Evening Nude Drawing IV | P2 + V2 | 5 |
History of Art IV | P2 + V1 | 4 |
Technology of Wall Painting | P1 + V2 | 4 |
P1 + V3 | 4 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose TWO optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
Modelling II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Printmaking Techniques II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
English II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Introduction to Graphic Design II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
V semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Painting I | P3 + V5 | 10 |
Evening Nude Drawing V | P2 + V4 | 6 |
History of Art – 20th Century I | P2 + V1 | 4 |
Aesthetics I | P2 + V1 | 4 |
Introduction to Interactive Multimedia I | P1 + V1 | 2 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose TWO optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
Sculpting I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Printmaking Techniques III | P1 + V1 | 2 |
English for the Profession I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Photography and Digital Techniques I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Illustration I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
VI semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Painting II | P3 + V5 | 10 |
Evening Nude Drawing VI | P2 + V4 | 6 |
History of Art – 20th Century II | P2 + V1 | 4 |
Aesthetics II | P2 + V1 | 4 |
Introduction to Interactive Multimedia II | P1 + V1 | 2 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose TWO optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
Sculpting II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Printmaking Techniques IV | P1 + V1 | 2 |
English for the Profession II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Photography and Digital Techniques II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Illustration II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
VII semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Painting III | P3 + V5 | 10 |
Evening Nude Drawing VII | P2 + V4 | 6 |
Contemporary Art in BiH I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Art Aesthetics I | P2 + V1 | 4 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose THREE optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
Sculpting III | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Printmaking Techniques V | P1 + V1 | 2 |
English for the Profession III | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Printmaking and Other Media I | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Poster | P1 + V1 | 2 |
VIII semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Painting IV | P3 + V5 | 8 |
Evening Nude Drawing VIII | P2 + V4 | 6 |
Contemporary Art in BiH II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Art Aesthetics II | P2 + V1 | 4 |
Graduation Thesis | P3 + V4 | 8 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose TWO optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
Sculpting IV | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Printmaking Techniques VI | P1 + V1 | 2 |
English for the Profession IV | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Printmaking and Other Media II | P1 + V1 | 2 |
Duration of the program: 2 semesters (1 year)
Academic degree:
Master of Fine Arts – painting
Degree granted by: University of Sarajevo
Structure of the program: 30 (E)CTS credits in one semester, 60 (E)CTS credits in one year of studies.
I semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Painting V | P2 + V6 | 7 |
Methodology and Methods of the Theory and History of Art | P1 + V1 | 3 |
Contemporary Trends in the Theory and History of Art | P1 + V1 | 3 |
Graduation Thesis preparation | P + V | 15 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose ONE optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
Photography – Digital Printmaking I | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Development of Design – Design and Architecture | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Industrial Design | P1 + V0 | 2 | Contemporary Trends in the Theory and History of Art | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Visual Communications | P1 + V0 | 2 |
II semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Painting VI | P2 + V6 | 7 |
Theory of Visual Arts and Visual Culture | P1 + V1 | 3 |
Contemporary Trends in the Art of BiH and the Region | P1 + V1 | 3 |
Graduation Thesis | P + V | 15 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose ONE optional courses from the offered list of courses: |
Photography – Digital Printmaking II | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Development of Design – Contemporary Communictaion and Design | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Industrial Design – Wood in Industrial Design | P1 + V0 | 2 | Contemporary Trends in the Art of BiH and the Region | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Visual Communications and Applied Design | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Aesthetics of Static and Mobile Techno-picture | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Under construction.
Obala Maka Dizdara 3, 71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzogovina
Phone: +387 (0) 33 210 369
Graduated from the Department of Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo, in 1991.
Appointed TA at the Department of Painting in 1997; started a postgraduate programme at the
same department and completed it in 2003 with a master’s degree in painting. In 2008 promoted to assistant professor of drawing and painting, and associate professor 2013.
Promoted to full professor in 2019.
Member of ULUBH / Association of Visual Artists of BiH / since 1996.
Selected individual exhibitions: 2018 – Gallery ALU, Under construction / crtež u toku + video works, 2012 – Roman Petrovic Gallery, Under Construction / crtež u toku ’12 /Under Construction / Drawing Under Way ’12; 2004 – Roman Petrovic Gallery, Under Construction / crtež u toku ’04 / Under Construction / Drawing Under Way 04; 2003 – ALU Gallery, Sarajevo, Na horizontu… 00-02 / On the Horizon 00-02; 2001 – Roman Petrovic Gallery, Sarajevo, Dijalog /Dialogue (with Amela Hadžimejlic); 1997 – National Gallery of BiH, Sarajevo, Silueta i sjenka / Silhouette and Shadow ; Gabrijel Gallery, Sarajevo, Na horizontu se nešto dešava / Something Is on the Horizon; 1995 – Gabrijel Gallery, Sarajevo, Crteži / Drawings; 1994 – French Cultural Centre Sarajevo, Crteži i grafike / Drawings and Prints (with Adnan Begic).
Selected group exhibitions: 2004 – Week of Bosnia-Herzegovina Culture at the United Nations, New York, USA; 2003 – National Gallery of BiH, Sarajevo, Print Maps ’92,’93, ‘94, ’95; 2002 – The Sidney Mishkin Gallery, New York, USA, In Memory: The Art of Afterward; 2001 – Stadtmuseum, Graz, Austria, Unique Sign – Unique Location, Mostar; 1999 – Roman Petrovic Gallery, Sarajevo, Izložba grupe 10 + / Exhibition of the 10+ Group/; 1998 – Fahri Koruturk Salon, Ankara, Turkey, Izložba Udruženja likovnih umjetnika BiH / Exhibition of the Association of Visual Artists of ВіH; 1997 – Culhan Art Centre Sarajevo, Meeting Point; Modern Gallery, Rijeka, Croatia, Bijenale mladih Youth Biennale; 1996 – National Gallery of BiH, Sarajevo, 50 godina ULUBiH-a / 50 Years of the Association of Applied Artists of BiH; 1995 – Collegium artisticum City Gallery, Sarajevo, Project Bridge Houston-Sarajevo-Houston; 7h International Portrait, Sketch and Print Biannual Tuzla ’95, Tuzla; 1994 – Collegium artisticum City Gallery, Sarajevo, Sarajevo MCMXCIV; National Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Umjetnici Sarajeva za slobodnu BiH / Sarajevo Artists for a Free ВіН; 1993 – Ratna grafcka mapa mladih autora / War Print Maps by Young Artists, project, Sarajevo, Strasbourg, Paris, Vienna..; 1991 – 6th Yugoslav Student Drawing Biannual, Belgrade.
Selected awards: Drawing Award at exhibitions at the Collegium artisticum City Gallery in 2000, 2007, 2013; Roman Petrovic Award 2011.
Lea Jerlagić was born in Sarajevo in 1984, where she completed most of her education. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo.
In 2007 as a recipient of a scholarship from the Chinese Government in 2007, Lea studied at the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, in the class of professor Zhang Xiaofeng, for two years. There she studied Chinese culture, language and the Chinese woodblock printing technique, which left a significant imprint on her future work.
She received the master’s degree from the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo 2013, in the class of professor Salim Obralic. Her final project, entitled ‘Synaesthesia’ studies the phenomenon of transformation of the impulse received through one sense and expressed through another. She focuses on a contemporary dance experience (actively dancing herself at the time) as a visual record in a form of drawing and Chinese woodblock prints.
Her creative work is a continuous fusion of seemingly separate and irreconcilable aspects of existence, different cultures, media of expression – all with the goal of deeper penetration into the mysterious inner world of a human being and one’s own connection to the macrocosm.
She devoted a large body of work to the sacred erotic art, inspired by tantric and Taoist writings, as well as her own spiritual practice. She is constantly searching for a way to integrate knowledge into her own artistic expression. Recently, she has been experimenting with digital media where she tries to connect the skill that comes from the tradition with the possibilities offered by new technologies.
She participated in numerous exhibitions in the country and abroad, and is a winner of several awards. Lea is employed at the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo.
Adi Karailo was born in 1990 in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina). He is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts (University of Sarajevo), where he earned both a BFA and an MFA in Painting under the mentorship of prof. Nusret Pašić. He has exhibited his works at solo exhibitions and he is actively participating in numerous local and international group shows. Member of The Artists Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina, since 2013. He lives and works in Sarajevo.