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At the Department of Printmaking students study all the traditional techniques of artistic printmaking, and apply the possibilities provided by digital press and other contemporary media. Through a comprehensive teaching process, the program allows students to acquire quality education in the field of the art of multioriginal. The compulsory curriculum at the Department of Printmaking encompasses following: drawing, fundamentals of printmaking expression, letterpress, gravure, printmaking technology, lithographic techniques and gravure, mixed printmaking techniques, evening nude drawing, creative drawing of the nude, painting, art form, plastic anatomy, visual art technology, basic of photography, history of art, aesthetics and art aesthetics. The structure of the Department of Printmaking satisfies requirements of the Bologna process in terms of individual choice of elective courses, and students thus have the possibility to satisfy their interests in different artistic and theoretical fields. Students are made capable for independent exhibiting activity and for application of knowledge in a broad spectrum of creative, applied and commercial possibilities related to fine arts, from the art of multioriginal to digital visual design. Besides, depending on the choice of elective courses, they acquire competences for participation in teaching and education.

Modules offered in foreign languages pdf

Duration of the program: 8 semesters (4 years)

Academic degree:  Bachelor of Fine Arts – printmaking

Degree granted by: University of Sarajevo

Structure of the program:

The scope of the study program is valued at 60 (E)CTS credits in one year of studies, or 30 (E)CTS credits in one semester. Undergraduate studies for obtaining a degree last four years and are valued at 240 (E)CTS credits.

I semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Drawing I P2 + V6 7
Printmaking I P2 + V4 5
Evening Nude Drawing I P2 + V2 5
Technology of fine arts I P1 + V2 4
History of Art I P2 + V1 3
Anatomy for Artists I P1 + V1 2
Art Form I P1 + V1 2
Fundamentals of Multimedia and Digital Creation I P1 + V1 2
II semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Drawing II P2 + V6 7
Printmaking II P2 + V4 5
Evening Nude Drawing II P2 + V2 5
Technology of fine arts II P1 + V2 4
History of Art II P2 + V1 3
Anatomy for Artists II P1 + V1 2
Art Form II P1 + V1 2
Fundamentals of Multimedia and Digital Creation II P1 + V1 2
III semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Drawing III P2 + V5 6
Printmaking III P2 + V4 4
Evening Nude Drawing III P2 + V2 4
Printmaking Technology I P2 + V2 4
History of Art III P2 + V1 4
Fundamentals of Photography I P1 + V1 2
Aesthetics I P2 + V1 4
Students are required to choose ONE optional course from the offered list of courses:
Introduction to Time-based Multimedia Creation I P1 + V1 2
Conservation of Paper I P1 + V1 2
English I P1 + V1 2
IV semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Drawing IV P2 + V5 6
Printmaking IV P2 + V4 4
Evening Nude Drawing IV P2 + V2 4
Printmaking Technology II P2 + V2 4
History of Art IV P2 + V1 4
Fundamentals of Photography II P1 + V1 2
Aesthetics II P2 + V1 4
Students are required to choose ONE optional course from the offered list of courses:
Introduction to Time-based Multimedia Creation II P1 + V1 2
Conservation of Paper II P1 + V1 2
English II P1 + V1 2
V semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Printmaking V P5 + V8 12
Evening Nude Drawing V P2 + V2 6
History of Art – 20th Century I P2 + V1 4
Photography and Digital Printmaking I P1 + V1 2
Conservation and Restoration of Paper I P1 + V1 2
Students are required to choose TWO optional courses from the offered list of courses:
Sculpting P1 + V1 2
Introduction to Interactive Multimedia I P1 + V1 2
Calligraphy I P1 + V1 2
VI semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Printmaking VI P5 + V8 12
Evening Nude Drawing VI P2 + V2 6
History of Art – 20th Century II P2 + V1 4
Photography and Digital Printmaking II P1 + V1 2
Conservation and Restoration of Paper II P1 + V1 2
Students are required to choose ONE optional course from the offered list of courses:
Painting P1 + V1 2
Introduction to Interactive Multimedia II P1 + V1 2
Calligraphy II P1 + V1 2
Technology – Anatomy of the Artefact P1 + V1 2
VII semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Printmaking VII P4 + V4 8
Printmaking and Other Media I P2 + V3 5
Art Aesthetics I P2 + V1 4
Printmaking – Serigraphy I P2 + V3 4
Development of design I – principles of genesis of modernist form P1 + V1 2
Students are required to choose THREE optional courses from the offered list of courses:
Evening Nude Drawing VII P1 + V1 2
History of Art – Contemporary Art in BiH I P1 + V1 2
Painting I P1 + V1 2
VIII semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Printmaking VIII P2 + V3 5
Printmaking and Other Media II P1 + V2 3
Art Aesthetics II P2 + V1 4
Printmaking – Serigraphy II P1 + V2 4
Development of design II – principles of genesis of modernist form P1 + V1 2
Graduation Thesis S8 8
Students are required to choose TWO optional courses from the offered list of courses:
Evening Nude Drawing VIII P1 + V1 2
History of Art – Contemporary Art in BiH II P1 + V1 2
Painting II P1 + V1 2

Duration of the program: 2 semesters (1 year)

Academic degree:

Master of Fine Arts – printmaking

Degree granted by: University of Sarajevo

Structure of the program: 30 (E)CTS credits in one semester, 60 (E)CTS credits in one year of studies.

I semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Printmaking IX P2 + V6 7
Methodology and Methods of the Theory and History of Art P1 + V1 3
Contemporary Trends in the Theory and History of Art P1 + V1 3
Graduation Thesis preparation P + V 15
Students are required to choose ONE optional courses from the offered list of courses:
Photography – Digital Printmaking I P1 + V0 2
Development of Design – Design and Architecture P1 + V0 2
Industrial Design P1 + V0 2
Contemporary Trends in the Theory and History of Art P1 + V0 2
Visual Communications P1 + V0 2
II semester
Course name Study hours ECTS
Printmaking X P2 + V6 7
Theory of Visual Arts and Visual Culture P1 + V1 3
Contemporary Trends in the Art of BiH and the Region P1 + V1 3
Graduation Thesis P + V 15
Students are required to choose ONE optional courses from the offered list of courses:
Photography – Digital Printmaking II P1 + V0 2
Development of Design – Contemporary Communictaion and Design P1 + V0 2
Industrial Design – Wood in Industrial Design P1 + V0 2
Contemporary Trends in the Art of BiH and the Region P1 + V0 2
Visual Communications and Applied Design P1 + V0 2
Aesthetics of Static and Mobile Techno-picture P1 + V0 2

Under construction.



Amela Hadžimejlić

1969. rođena je u Ljubljani, Slovenija.

1975 – 1987 Završila je osnovnu školu i Školu primijenjenih umjetnosti u Sarajevu -Odsjek za zidno, scensko i dekorativno slikarstvo.

1991/1992. Dobitnik je zlatne značke Univerziteta u Sarajevu za visoki prosjek ocjena tokom četverogodišnjeg studija.

1993. diplomirala je na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Sarajevu, na Odsjeku za grafiku sa najvišom ocjenom.

1994. boravi u Velikoj Britaniji gdje pohađa specijalne studije kod profesora Mike Hope-a na Odsjeku za grafički dizajn, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham,UK

1995. boravi u Turskoj, gdje je četiri mjeseca bila gost predavač na izbornom predmetu Umjetnost, Bogazici University u Istanbulu.

1996. postaje član Udruženja likovnih umjetnika Bosne i Hercegovine

1996 – 1998 pohađa postdiplomske studije iz grafike pod mentorstvom akademika Dževada Hoze, na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Sarajevu.

1997 birana je u zvanje asistenta na grupi predmeta na Odsjeku za produkt dizajn na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Sarajevu.
1998. Stiče zvanje magistra grafike, sa odbranom rada na temu „Kreacija kroz litografski tiskovni proces„ koji je ocijenjen najvišom ocjenom.

1999. birana je u zvanje višeg asistenta na predmetu Crtanje na Odsjeku za produkt dizajn na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Sarajevu.

2001. radi na Odsjeku za grafiku na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Sarajevu u svojstvu višeg asistenta na predmetima Crtanje i Grafika.

2005. birana je u zvanje docenta za predmete Crtanje i Grafika na Odsjeku za grafiku na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Sarajevu.

2010. birana je u zvanje vanrednog profesora za umjetničke oblasti Grafike i Crtanja na Odsjeku za grafiku na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Sarajevu.

2011. izabrana za četverogodišnji mandat dekana Akademije likovnih umjetnosti Univerziteta u Sarajevu.

2014. stiče zvanje doktora likovne umjetnosti iz oblasti grafike na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu sa odbranom rada pod naslovom “Uticaj iskustva rada u tradicionalnim grafičkim tehnikama na stvaranje novog izraza kroz digitalni medij kao i na formiranje, razvoj i tok osobnog likovnog i vizuelnog mišljenja”
1993 – 2021. 31 ( trideset i jedna) samostalna izložba u zemlji i inostranstvu. Dobitnik je sedam nagrada i učestvovala je na više od 250 kolektivnih izložbi u zemlji i inostranstvu, internacionalnih, selektivnih grafičkih i ex-libris bijenala i trijenala. Predgovore kataloga i kritike za samostalne izložbe Amele Hadžimejlić pisali su ili javno iznosili Meliha Husedžinović, dr.Sadudin Musabegović, dr.Ibrahim Krzović, dr.Rusmir Mahmutčehajić, dr.Sulejman Bosto, dr.Rešid Hafizović, Aleksandar Adamović, Gradimir Gojer, dr.Aida Abadžić-Hodžić, Ivana Jevđević-Udovičić, Anamarija Stibilj Šajn, Nermin Delić, Slađana Golijanin, Ahmed Burić, dr.Fehim Hadžimuhamedović, dr.Dubravka Lejlić-Pozderac, dr.Edin Pobrić, dr.Ema Božuta Mazrak, dr.Predrag Finci. Njeni radovi se nalaze u 20 umjetničkih kolekcija izvan naše zemlje.

Admir Mujkić

Admir Mujkić, rođen 1972. godine u Sisku, Hrvatska. Diplomirao na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Sarajevu, Odsjek za grafiku, u klasi profesora Dževada Hoze. Na istoj akademiji završio i postdiplomske studije gdje predaje na predmetima Grafika i Grafička tehnologija.

Renata Papista

Renata Papišta born 1981. in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Works in various media: Printmaking, Drawing, Photography, Handmade paper, but use site-specific wall installation as well.

In 2006, she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts, at the Printmaking department where she completed her postgraduate studies in experimental printmaking 2009.

Her artwork has been exhibited at the biennials, triennials, and art festivals in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad. Most valued presentations of this artist, however, were given through the 24 solo exhibitions and over 120 group exhibitions, while the 6 prizes are considered representative acknowledgments of her contribution to the art. She led a workshop on experimental printmaking in the most important art Centres and Academies in Slovenia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Poland. In 2018., she was nominated for the prestigious Queen Sonja Printmaking Award by the International Graphic Art Centre in Ljubljana.

From at the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo, Department of Printmaking.

Obala Maka Dizdara 3, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosna I Hercegovina