During two-semester studies in the area of Photography, students become prepared for defining a creative role of the medium of photography in contemporary arts and culture, as experts in this area (future educators) and/or as independent artists. Students have the possibility to select and focus on a given area of photographic activity which interests them in particular, and they are encouraged to develop their own critical thinking, creativity and professional originality directed toward discovering and formulating their own potentials. Defined thematic clusters and lectures underscore and expand the basis of theoretical knowledge in the area of visual arts and culture, as well as various activities, the basic features of which include analogue and digital images and imaging systems. The process of analyzing the acquired knowledge and operable abilities, particularly those pertaining to contemporary technologies of recording by light and digital processing of photographic image using appropriate software, critical reviews of one’s own and other people’s creative activity, as well as regular sessions with defined topics help students to develop individual viewpoints and to position themselves and their own creative activity within broader historical, theoretical and contemporary visual contexts. An independent exhibition of artistically defined cycle on a given topic, as well as a written theoretical paper mark the climax of the study program.
Duration of the program: 2 semesters (1 year)
Academic degree: Master of Fine Arts – photography
Degree granted by: University of Sarajevo
Structure of the program: 30 (E)CTS credits in one semester, 60 (E)CTS credits in one year of studies.
I semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Photography VII a) documentary / b) applied | P4 + V4 | 7 |
Methodology and Methods of the Theory and History of Art | P1 + V1 | 3 |
Photography – digital I | P1 + V1 | 3 |
Graduation Thesis preparation | P + V | 15 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose ONE optional course from the offered list of courses: |
Photography – Digital Printmaking I | P1 + V0 | 2 | Development of Design – Design and Architecture | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Industrial Design | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Contemporary Trends in the Theory and History of Art | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Visual Communications | P1 + V0 | 2 |
II semester | Course name | Study hours | ECTS |
Photography VIII a) documentary / b) applied | P45 + V75 | 7 |
Theory of Visual Arts and Visual Culture | P30 + V60 | 3 |
Photography – digital II | P15 + V15 | 3 |
Graduation Thesis | P + V | 15 | + ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to choose ONE optional course from the offered list of courses: |
Photography – Digital Printmaking II | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Development of Design – Contemporary Communictaion and Design | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Industrial Design – Wood in Industrial Design | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Contemporary Trends in the Art of BiH and the Region | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Visual Communications and Applied Design | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Aesthetics of Static and Mobile Techno-picture | P1 + V0 | 2 |
Under construction.
Obala Maka Dizdara 3, 71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzogovina
Phone: +387 (0) 33 210 369
Ivan Hrkaš rođen je u Sarajevu 1978. godine. Nakon završene osnovne škole odlazi u Izrael, gdje od 1992. do 1998. godine pohađa Seligsberg gimnaziju u Jerusalemu, koju završava kao đak generacije. Iako je primljen na prestižnu Akademiju likovnih umjetnosti Becalel u Jerusalemu, 1998. godine se vraća u Sarajevo i upisuje Akademiju likovih umjetnosti, smjer grafičkog dizajna. Diplomirao je 2004. godine, a 2011. godine magistrirao iz oblasti Fotografije.
Već u januaru 2005. godine asistent je na predmetu Fotografija u klasi profesora Mehmeda A. Akšamije, u septembru 2011. godine docent, u septembru 2016 van.profesor, a u junu 2022 godine redovni profesor na oblasti Fotografija (Osnovi fotografije I i II i Fotografija I i II). Tokom 2018 godine obavlja dužnost šefa Odsjeka za Grafički dizajn, a od decembra 2021. godine je šef Katedre za Fotografiju i Multimediju. U periodu 2012-2013. godine angažiran je kao gostujući profesor na Visokoj školi za dizajn u Ljubljani (Slovenija). Posljednih 12 godina bavi se sociološkom fotografijom (intima i prostori kolektivnih sjećana), što je i tema njegovog magistarskog rada.
Izlagao je u Bosni i Hercegovini, Austriji, Crnoj Gori, Tunisu, Sloveniji, Srbiji, Velikoj Britaniji, Hrvatskoj, Izraelu, Kini, Meksiku, SAD, te osvojio nagrade na brojnim festivalima. Radio je na organizaciji Festivala Sarajevska Zima i različitim lokalnim, internacionalnim projektima u oblasti kulture i umjetnosti. Trenutno je angažiran na projektu promocije foto-depoa Historijskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine. Grafičke radove i fotografije objavljuje kako u lokalnim tako i u inostranim magazinima. U maju 2017. godine izdaje fotografsku, autorsku knjigu pod nazivom “BAMITBAH” (izdavačka kuća KultB), kojoj je istaknuti književnik Miljenko Jergović posvetio kolumnu u Jutarnjem listu (Subotnja matineja), te uvrstio je među 17 najboljih knjiga 2017. godine (na trećem mjestu).
Adla Isanović, PhD is a Professor at The Academy of Fine Arts, University of Sarajevo, where she teaches multimedia.
She holds a PhD in Philosophy from the Postgraduate School ZRC SAZU-, Ljubljana, Slovenia (doctoral study program “Comparative Studies of Ideas and Culture”), where she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation titled “Databases and Art in the Function of Knowledge Production in the Digital Age” (2017). She completed a MA in New Media (Multimedia), Haute école d’arts appliqués, in Geneva, Switzerland (2005), as well as a Research-Based Postgraduate Program Critical, Curatorial, Cybermedia Studies, Ecole supérieure des beaux arts, in Geneva, Switzerland (2005). She completed her undergraduate studies at the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Sarajevo (2002).
As a guest professor she taught at The Academy of Visual Arts – AVA, Ljubljana, Slovenija (2018), Gray’s School of Art (Robert Gordon University), Aberdeen, UK (2017), School of Arts (University of Nova Gorica) in Slovenia (2014). She also taught at The Academy of Performing Arts, University of Sarajevo (2011-2012), as well as at the International University of Sarajevo (2006-2010). She worked as a researcher / analyst at Mediacentar Sarajevo (2005-2008), as well as the editor-in-chief of the Mediacentar_online web portal (2008).
She was engaged in numerous international and local projects in the culture/ art / design sector. She exhibited in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, Switzerland, Slovakia, Montenegro, Ireland, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Lithuania, Italy, Germany, Greece, France, Canada, Japan, USA, Columbia, etc.
She also participated in a number of local and international research projects, and published several works. Her last book The Regime of Digital Coloniality. Bosnian Forensic Contemporaneity was published by CEEOLPRESS, Frankfurt am Main, 2021. Other more recent publications include: “Archives, Knowledge Production, Politics of In/Visibility, and Bosnian Forensic Reality.” in M.Gržinić, J.Pristovšek, S.Uitz (eds.). Opposing Colonialism, Antisemitism, and Turbo-Nationalism: Rethinking the Past for New Conviviality. Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2020); “Politics and Aesthetics of Databases and Forensics.” in M. Gržinić, A.Stojnić and M. Šuvaković (eds.). Regimes of Invisibility in Contemporary Art, Theory and Culture: Image, Racialization, History. Palgrave Macmillan (2017); “Sarajevo, Rotten Heart of Europe” in M. Gržinić (ed.). Border Thinking: Disassembling Histories of Racialized Violence. Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and Stenberg Press Berlin (2018); “Sarajevo: Politics and Cultures of Remembrance and Ignorance.” AM Journal of Art and Media Studies 14 (2017); “Politika in estetika podatkovnih zbirk in forenzike” in M. Gržinić (ed.). Politika, estetika in demokracija. Uprava ZRC, Ljubljana (2015); “In/Visible: The Political and Sexual Regimes of Databases.” IDENTITIES: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture (2013); etc.
Nedim Šećeragić je diplomirao 2016. na odsjeku Grafika u klasi profesorice Amele Hadžimejlić-Kečo. Kao student dobitnik je više nagrada iz oblasti grafike, videa i kratkog filma.
Od 2014. se bavi motion designom, UX/UI designom i concept designom (hard surface) prvenstveno u entertainment i gaming industriji. Iskustvo stiče u firmama: Purple Key, Blow Up, Meta Software Solutions, Shapeshifter Concepts, Midwinter Entertainment.
Trenutno radi kao 3d modeler i texture artist u Kitbash3D-u.
Nedim Šećeragić predaje na Akademiji Likovnih Umjetnosti u Sarajevu, oblast Multimedija.
Rođen u Sarajevu 1995. godine.
Nakon osnovne škole, od 2010. do 2014. godine, pohađa Prvu Bošnjačku gimnaziju Sarajevo curiculum B, te posjeduje srednjoškolsku diplomu Gimnazije, ali i University of Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education.
Tokom srednje škole počinje se baviti muzikom i osim sviranja, autor je muzike za predstave, kratke dokumentarne filmove i reklame.
2014. upisuje Akademiju likovnih umjetnosti na odsjeku za Grafički dizajn. Tokom studija otkriva naročiti interes za primjenu fotografije u grafičkom dizajnu i to postaje njegovo primarno stilsko opredjeljenje. Na taj način realizovan je njegov završni rad „Naslovnice tragedija William Shakespeare -a“ pod mentorstvom profesora na predmetu Fotografija cpHd Mehmeda Akšamije.
Studij završava 2018.
Aktivno se bavi fotografijom i dizajnom za teatar u vidu vizualnog identiteta predstava i fotografije kao i fotografijom muzičke scene u regionu i dizajnu naslovnica albuma nezavisnih izvođača.