Stipendija CEEPUS ADRIART.CE. (http://www.adriart.net/ce) je otvorena za razmjenu i gostovanje nastavnika i studenata. Online aplikacije do 15 juna.

Za sva pojašnjenja i eventualne nepoznanice u vezi ove, a i ostalih medjunarodnih razmjena i stipendija, obratite se: prof. Srđa Hrisafović s.hrisafovic@alu.unsa.ba.

Dear ADRIART.CE partners, Dear friends,

We have received notification that student/teacher applications for student year
2015/16 are now open! These – STUDENT/TEACHER INDIVIDUAL APPLICATIONS that have to be done by each student/teacher personally online – close on June 15, so we have to act swiftly to distribute/actively promote this information to potential students and teachers. Our proposal is that applications for both the winter and the summer semester should be submitted now, and we only leave the October (31) deadline for any “loose ends” (if lack of applications anywhere, or if anyone cancels). 

Here (as information link for potential mobility applicants) as you know the main network page www.adriart.net/ce

and here (as also on the site publicly linked/available) the final network pdf http://www.adriart.net/sites/default/files/imce/Network-FINAL_APPROVED-2015-16.pdf (the numbers have we believe stayed as applied for/sent to you in last email)

And as a suggestion (for all partners), please look at how we prepared our local info page: www.adriart.net/ce-ung >> 

We propose such a page for each of the partners, but you have to provide us with the (specific) text and pic(s). If you can/will make this, please send your material asap (today/tomorrow) and I (Tina) will make the (sub)page (the text will really be given online as such, so please edit/format it by yourself! Such a page can then be linked directly, which is very useful for communicating with possible mobililty applicants in the following weeks! If you decide not to do this, send another link which should be used here.

Let us use this given “full network” opportunity and get the best students (and teachers 😉 to apply/use the mobilities and thus make this indeed a fully functioning network! 

With Kindest Regards from Nova Gorica,
Peter & Tina