Gostovanje dr Romana Dziadkiewicza na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti Sarajevo, 6.-10.5.2024.

U okviru Erasmus+ razmjene, u periodu od 6.5. do 10.5.2024.godine, na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti Univerziteta u Sarajevu će boraviti dr Roman Dziadkiewicz sa Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts Krakow iz Poljske.

Dr Roman Dziadkiewicz je umjetnik, aktivista, teoretičar i pedagog. Eksperimentira sa kolektivnim praksama, taktikama novih odnosa i cirkulacijskim metodama. Autor je dugoročnih projekata koji se baziraju na istraživačkim praksama u umjetnosti i kolektivnim performativnim aktivnostima, radova u hibridnim okruženjima, s post-narativnim eksperimentalnim alatima, te prisustvom u realnom vremenu. Suosnivač je #StreamArtStudio i član UKRAiNATV. Autor je koncepta “stream art” kao polja međusobnih i dinamičkih ukrštanja ljudi i neljudskih entiteta (mašina, signala, arhiva i podataka). Svoje radove i projekte predstavljao je u brojnim institucijama i galerijama širom Evrope i svijeta.

Na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti Sarajevo, u utorak 7.5.2024.godine, dr Dziadkiewicz će održati javno predavanje pod naslovom „STREAM ART x hybrid togetherness”, a u srijedu, 8.5.2024.godine, za studente Akademije će održati i radionicu „THE #HOPECORE WOKSHOPS.” Predavanje i radionice će biti na engleskom jeziku.

Nakon pomenute radionice, u četvrtak 9.5. i petak 10.5.2024.godine, dr Dziadkiewicz će biti dostupan i za individualne konsultacije.

U nastavku su abstrakt predavanja, detaljne informacije o radionici, te dr Dziadkiewiczu, #StreamArtStudio i UKRAiNATV.


07.05.2024. / 12:00-13:30, velika sala ALU

Predavanje / Lecture: „STREAM ART x hybrid togetherness”


New digital, post-media, post-internet art, and cultural production require new forms of distribution and visibility. Lectures provoke a complex engagement with a set of theoretical ideas and techno-artistic tools such as: stream art, hybrid togetherness, telematic performativity, and circular aesthetics.


All of them help us rethink contemporary contexts and the need to bridge the gap between the slowly fading, increasingly boring, and corrupted traditional white cube and (local) galleries, and strongly centralized, (global) internet platforms so-called social media, where we often feel lost and stock. The goal is to liberate imagination and cultural production from the constraints of both traditions and to build a more sustainable, just, horizontal, and inclusive cultural circulations. There is hope and there are emerging possibilities that we can develop collaboratively.

Let's talk and work on it together…


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08.05.2024. / 12:00-16:00, studio za multimediju ALU


Techno – collaborative – trans-regional – glitch – performance… or the HOPECORE WORKSHOPS introduce participants to the world of hybrid, open community of people, machines, data and archives. Participants will learn how to set up a basic POP-UP stream art studio, connect their devices, and blend signals in real-time mixing. The primary aim is to empower participants to recognize their own abilities and navigate a scalable, multidimensional environment to create original collaborative work instantly (with real-time connection to StreamArtStudio in Krakow).

We emphasize an open, performative approach, encouraging exploration of non-linear narratives and performative presence to envision hopeful futures amidst geopolitical crises, contemporary Gen-Z anxieties, and (post-)war traumas common to our Ukrainian team and Bosnian-Herzegovinian history.

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Roman Dziadkiewicz (PhD) – an artist, activist, theorist, and educator. He experiments with collective practices, new-relational tactics, and circulatory methods. The author of long-term projects at the intersection of research-based art and collective performative activities, works in hybrid environments, with post-narrative experimental tools, and real-time presence and presenet (continue). Co-founder of #StreamArtStudio and member of UKRAiNATV. Author of the concept of “stream art” as a field of mutual and dynamic intersections between humans and non-human entities (machines, signals, archives, and data). He has presented his works and projects in numerous institutions and galleries across Europe and worldwide.


StreamArtStudio / UKRAiNATV is a research lab and international team running an experimental internet television and virtual production studio with a hybrid togetherness program based on the Stream Art medium and its philosophy. The idea is to use technology as an engine for telematic collaborations and trans-local relations. Every Thursday at 6pm CET, we go online with new program on our website, YouTube, Twitch, and a few Facebook sites. The essence of the project is not its technological dimension, but primarily the socio-cultural potentials of prototyping a hybrid institution and strategies for producing and showcasing digital, AV and performative culture creating responsible, safe, friendly, horizontal, low-emission spaces for remote collaboration and content distribution as an alternative to centralized BigTech platforms and white-cube tradition. The lab is also a place for innovative education.


It is also a cradle for the emerging European Stream Art Network – net for similarly oriented spots x teams such as in Amsterdam (INC / the VOID), Kyiv (Carbon / Ceramic Beats), Budapest (Intermedia Budapest), Trondheim (NTNU), Batumi (Media Hub) and others. Additionally, we are part of a consortium called <PACESETTERS>, a three-year research project involving 15 art, IT companies, higher education and cultural industry organizations from across Europe. The studio operates under the Intermedia Faculty at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow in partnership with Fundacja 36,6, a non-commercial NGO.


Kontakt /Contact: dziadkiewicz@o2.pl / ig @dzdkwcz

Više informacija / More info: https://linktr.ee/ukrainatv

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