Mr. Elmedin Mešić, spoljni saradnik ALU, predstavio naučni rad na 12. međunarodnoj konferenciji o dizajnu – DESIGN 2012, Dubrovnik

U maju 2012. godine održan je 12. Internacionalni naučni skup o dizajnu – DESIGN 2012 koji je okupio najpoznatija svjetska imena iz oblasti dizajna proizvoda, savremenih metoda i tehnika konstruisanja kao i primjene znanja i kreativnosti u razvoju i dizajniranju proizvoda. Naučni skup je bijenalnog karaktera i održava se u organizaciji svjetskog udruženja vodećih naučnika i eksperata na području konstruisanja i dizajniranja (The Design Society) i Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.

Mr.Elmedin Mešić, viši asistent, spoljni saradnik Akademije likovnih umjetnosti na predmetu Teorija prostorasa nacrtnom geometrijomI i II predstavio je naučni rad  članova Katedre za mašinske konstrukcije, Mašinskog fakulteta u Sarajevu, kao jedini predstavnik iz BiH.

Prezentirani rad predstavlja dio višegodišnjeg istraživanja iz oblasti konstruisanja i dizajna u medicinskom inženjeringu. Rad je izazvao posebnu zainteresovanost prisutnih na skupu.

Izvod iz programa konferencije:



Mešić E., Muminović A., Repčić N. / University of Sarajevo (BIH) 1029

This paper presents research results of a mechanical stability of a Sarafix external fixation system, applied to an unstable tibia fracture. A stability analysis was performed using FEA and experimental testing under axial compression. Research was performed on the Sarafix fixator design controlling values and directions of interfragmentary displacements and principal stresses at the measuring points. Von Mises stress values were also analyzed. Sarafix proved to be mechanically stable, confi rming good clinical results in the treatment of bone fractures.

Izvod iz predgovora zbornika konferencije:

Design knowledge is founded on academic subjects, but the essence of design is much more, in all it’s appearences. Design is the essence of everything produced by humans, from the first stone tools to the modern carbon fibre supercars. It is behind the spark that leads to invention, it is the centre of every production. It is the collaborative endeavour of many and the inspiration of one. Its complexity is often best reflected in the simplest of solutions. Design comes to life only at the end of its journey. And excellent design is one that at the end of that journey changes the lives of others.

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