Open Call of the third edition of the Sarajevo Photography Festival competition

We’re excited to announce the OPEN CALL of the third edition of the Sarajevo Photography Festival competition.

In this historical period your stories are more important than ever, no matter who you are or where you live in the world. In moments that demand telling, photographers stand as witnesses.

Sarajevo Photography Festival serves as an platform to spotlight the contributions of those dedicated individuals who persistently document, bringing to light undiscovered issues, informing the public, and generating change. It is for them that every year we give our best to support the creation of a photographic narrative that contemplates everyone's voice, from photography students to professionals.


Winners of this photography award not only receive cash prizes and a chance to have their work exhibited, but also gain exposure to the European community and beyond.

Grand prix award: 2.000EUR cash prize.

Don't miss this chance to have your photography seen by influential figures in the industry!


Sarajevo Photography Festival


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